Chapter Twelve

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A few months had passed and everyone in the palace was busy preparing for Thor's coronation the next day. Elli was three months pregnant and Loki was always watching her. He never took her eyes off of her and kept her happy and safe. Whatever she asked of him, he did. Her belly protruded slightly and Loki was on edge waiting for a complication to arise yet none did. Loki went looking for Elli and found her arranging chairs for the guests.

"Elli!" Loki called out as he made his way over to her.

"Yes?" Elli asked.

She turned to look at Loki and smiled brightly. He took her hand in his and she giggled softly.

"Aren't they arranged nicely?" She asked.

"Yes, they are but, you need to relax and not be on your feet so much. And you shouldn't be lifting heavy things." Loki told her.

"Loki, I know you're afraid of what may happen but, I'm alright. I feel great. I'm energetic. There's nothing wrong and even if something did come up, Eir can take care of it. She's been my physician for years now. I trust her." Elli explained to him.

"I'm sorry, love. I just don't want you getting hurt." Loki said.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll finish the next few chairs and then we can go for a walk. Okay?" Elli told him.

"Alright." Loki said softly.

As she set up the next few chairs, Loki watched her carefully and Elli rolled her eyes.

"It's impolite to stare, Loki." Elli giggled.

Loki sighed and Elli walked over to him. She took her hand in his and they walked outside into the gardens.

"Out of both of us, I think it's you who should relax. I'm calm, Loki. I'm worried for you." Elli told him.

"I'm worrying too much, I know. But, I care for you and I don't want to see you get hurt...ever." Loki explained.

"Well, the baby and I are both going to be just fine, Loki. Besides, tomorrow is my brother's coronation, and I want us both to be happy," Elli told him. "Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can do that." Loki replied as he smiled.

Elli kissed his cheek and looked up at him.

"Is there something else bothering you?" Elli asked.

"I'm afraid that my father and brother might do something bad to us." Loki replied.

"Nothing bad is going to happen." Elli said.

"My father said that if Helblindi didn't marry you, he'd make us regret ever being together. It's been three months and-"

"Exactly," Elli told him. "It's been three months and nothing. Nothing's happened to us and we're going to be okay."

Loki smiled as he put his hand over Elli's small belly and Elli giggled softly.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Elli asked.

"It doesn't matter to me. As long as the baby's healthy, I'm fine." Loki replied.

"Are you excited?" Elli asked.

"Very." Loki beamed.

"There you two are!" A voice exclaimed.

Loki and Elli turned around to find Thor running over to them. He wrapped his arms around Elli and she laughed as he spun her around.

"Be careful. You shouldn't really spin her like that. It might cause something." Loki told them.

Thor and Elli ignored him and he set her back on the ground.

"How's my sister and my nephew doing?" Thor asked as he laid his hand on her belly.

"Firstly, we're fine and secondly," Elli replied as she removed his hand. "We don't know anything about the gender yet. It's a little early for that is what Eir told us."

"And she also said that you shouldn't be picked up like that." Loki chimed in.

Elli gave Loki a look as well as Thor.

"What's wrong with him?" Thor asked.

"He's just worried something bad will happen due to the complications that are supposed to happen." Elli replied.

"Elli..." Loki trailed off.

"Do not worry, my friend. You have me to protect and help you with whatever problems you face. She's my sister and I do not want to see her hurt." Thor told Loki.

"And I hope that tomorrow will be your best day ever." Elli giggled.

"It should be. It's my coronation." Thor laughed as he kissed Elli's head.

"You should be going back for the practice." Elli said.

"Alright. Loki, you keep an eye on her." Thor told them.

"I will." Loki said.

Thor walked back into the palace and Loki sighed as Elli took his hand.

"We're okay." Elli smiled.

That night, Loki sat up in bed as he waited for Elli to return from her check-up. Once the door opened, Loki smiled as Elli went to change into her nightgown.

"How was it? Is everything okay?" Loki asked.

"She said everything is perfect." Elli replied.

"That's fantastic." Loki beamed.

Loki watched as she changed into her nightgown and he smiled softly as he saw her bare body. He saw the small bump and couldn't help but chuckle. Elli turned around as she put the dress over her head and furrowed her brow.

"You look beautiful." Loki said softly.

Elli blushed as she got under the covers and laid herself against Loki. She ran her fingers over his markings as he looked down at her.

"So...your brother is going to be king, huh." Loki said.

"I don't think he's ready." Elli confessed.

"What?" Loki asked.

"And mother and father know it. He's just a little reckless." Elli replied.

"I'm sure everything will go alright and he'll be a good king." Loki told her.

The following morning, Elli helped Loki get into his ceremonial wear.

"I don't understand how you Asgardians get this stuff on every day." Loki told her.

"It's not that hard once you get used to it." Elli smiled.

"And you? How are you feeling?" Loki asked.

"A little nauseous, but I'll be fine for the ceremony." Elli replied.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked.

"Yes." Elli replied as she finished the armor.

"You look gorgeous." Loki commented.

Loki leaned forward and kissed Elli. She giggled through the kiss and Loki pulled away as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Let's get going." Elli said.

The two made their way to the throne room and both were stood on the stairs next to the throne where Odin stood. Elli and Loki stood behind Frigga and she flashed them a smile as they waited for all the guests to arrive and sit. Elli inhaled sharply as she put her hand on her belly and Loki gave her a look.

"What is it?" Loki asked.

Frigga turned around and furrowed her brow as she looked at Elli and Loki.

"I felt this pressure and I don't know. It came and then just left." Elli replied.

"You said you were nauseous before so maybe you had some stomach pain." Loki told her.

"No, there was no pressure on my stomach though." Elli said.

"Do you want to go to see Eir?" Frigga asked.

"I think I'll be alright." Elli replied.

Finally, the ceremony began and Loki kept his arm around Elli as he kept an eye on her to make sure she was alright. Finally, Thor had walked down the aisle and made it towards Odin. As Odin spoke, Elli gripped Loki's hand and squeezed it.

"Elli?" Loki asked in a hushed tone.

"Something's not right." Elli whispered.

"Elli, what do you mean?" Loki asked.


"Frost giants." Odin said loudly.

"What?" Thor asked.

"Oh my god." Loki whispered.

The doors burst open and Laufey, Helblindi and two other Frost giants ran into the room.

"I told you, Odin, that we'd come back!" Laufey exclaimed.

"Loki, I don't feel well." Elli said shakily.

"Mother." Loki gasped.

"Wait. Just a few more minutes." Frigga told them as she walked down to them.

The guests all cowered in fear as Laufey and Helblindi walked up to where Odin was.

"We have spent the last three months planning on an attack on Asgard. We declare war on your precious Asgard! Your little whore daughter is the reason for this and I will do everything I can to make her life and my runt son's a living hell and Helblindi has come to help me with it." Laufey declared.

"You say you're one for tricks, Loki. But I have some tricks up my sleeve as well." Helblindi said.

Helblindi flicked his wrist and a blue glow dashed towards Elli. Loki tried to stop it but the orb collided with Elli's belly and she let out a scream as she felt her knees go weak.

"Elli!" Loki exclaimed.

He held her as she sunk to the floor while Frigga and Thor ran towards her. The guests were running out of the throne room but were stopped by the other two giants at the doors.

"What have you done?" Loki cried as he looked up at Helblindi.

"She's going to deal with a lot more than just complications. She was supposed to be mine, you disgusting piece of scum!" Helblindi yelled.

Loki let out a yell as he charged towards Helblindi only to be held back by Thor.

"I told you that if she married him, I would come back and I'd make you regret the day you ever agreed to their marriage. We'll be back, Odin. Consider this a warning." Laufey explained.

The Frost giants left peacefully and Loki pushed Thor off of him.

"L...Loki." Elli whimpered.

Loki turned back around and knelt beside Elli as he cradled her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Loki said as his voice broke.

"I'm cold. I'm so cold, Loki." Elli gasped.

"Shh, you're going to be alright. The healers are coming in now. You and the baby are going to be okay." Loki told her.

"Stand back. Clear the space." Eir told them.

Thor tried to get Loki away from Elli but he wouldn't budge.

"Loki, you need to step back." Thor said.

"No. I can't leave her. She needs me." Loki told him.

"Right now, she needs you to step away so they can help her." Thor stated.

Thor grabbed Loki and pulled him away from Elli.

"No! No, Elli! Let me go! Stop this! I need to be with her!" Loki cried out.

"She's bleeding. We need to get her to the healing room immediately." Eir told them.

Loki thrashed at Thor's arms as the healers put Elli on a stretched and hurried her to the healing rooms.

"Elli!" Loki yelled.

"Loki, calm down. They can heal her. Everything will be alright." Frigga told him.

"No, it won't. She was bleeding. What if she loses the baby? I didn't protect her. I don't know what to do." Loki sobbed.

"She is under the best care in Asgard. You need to trust them." Frigga said.

The guests were all released and Loki, Odin, Frigga and Thor waited outside the healing room. Eir walked out and Loki quickly looked up at her.

"There is good news and bad news." Eir said.

"And?" Loki asked.

"The sick feeling she had before was no severe in any way. But, whatever Helblindi gave her, I cannot see the baby. There is a soft layer of ice blocking her uterus when we try to examine it. And that layer of ice is affecting Elli. She won't die from it but, this will cause more complications than I expected." Eir explained.

"Such as?" Loki asked.

"She could bleed heavily, miscarriage and stillbirth is a possibility, dizziness and low blood pressure may arise. Right now she's in a stable state but we have to keep her here until we are sure she's healthy. I have to go back now. We will let you in when we can." Eir told them.

Loki gasped and shook his head as Eir walked back into the healing room.

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