Chapter Two

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After lunch, Loki went looking for the library to help Elli. Once he got there, he went looking through the aisles searching for Elli. He then saw her on a ladder arranging some books. He smiled and walked over to her. He took hold of the ladder so it wouldn't wobble. She stood up straight and turned around t see who was below her. When her eyes met Loki's, she smiled brightly and chuckled.
"I'm so glad you finally made it. I was just getting a head start." Elli told him.
Loki held the ladder tightly as Elli stepped down to meet him.
"I didn't think your library was this large." Loki said looking around awe.
"But most of the books on the shelves are in order. All I have left to do is this entire wall and everything will be in order by name and genre." Elli explained.

"Well, where would you like to begin?" Loki asked.
"This bookshelf is almost done, so I'll finish. You can start the next one and I'll meet you when I'm done. Is that alright with you?" Elli asked.
"Anything is alright with me." Loki replied.
"Great. And thank you so much for helping. I don't know how I could ever repay you for any of this." Elli told him.
"The pleasure is all mine. There's no need for any of that." Loki smiled.
"I need to do something for you after this. I can't just give you no reward. Please, tell me what you'd like for me to do for you." Elli begged as she bit her lip.
Loki took a few seconds to think and stared at Elli for a few moments. Her hands were clasped together and she held them by her chin. She smiled brightly as she bit her lip and her eyes were wide.
"When I come up with something, I'll tell you." Loki replied.
Elli let out a sigh of relief and put her hands down.
"Now, let's get to work." Elli chuckled.
Elli went into her aisle while Loki went into his. He quickly scanned the shelf and sighed when he saw that everything was mismatched. He knew it would take some time to remove them all and put them back, so he quickly looked around the room and started to use his magic to put them into their correct order. He was finished in a matter of a few minutes and once he was done, he turned around and jumped back when he saw Elli staring at him.
"Ugh, Elli, I-I didn't know you were there." Loki stuttered.
"What was that?" Elli asked in awe.
"It was, um, nothing in particular. It was...nothing." Loki replied nervously.
"Oh that was something." Elli giggled as she nodded her head.
"Elli, really it was-"

"Magic! My mother does magic all the time." Elli told him.
"Keep your voice down please." Loki said softly.
"Why?" Elli asked.
"If my father were to find out that I do magic, he'd have me punished severely." Loki replied.
"Is magic not allowed in Jotunheim?" Elli asked.
"Anyone caught doing it could be sentenced to life in prison or death. If I'm lucky, father would put me in jail." Loki replied.
"He wouldn't do that. He's your father." Elli said.
"He doesn't care about me. He only cares for Helblindi. He was the first born and is going to be king soon enough. My father hates me." Loki told her.
"Why would you say something like that?" Elli asked.
"I...I can't say." Loki replied.
"No matter what you may think, he's your father and you're his son. He loves you no matter what." Elli told him.
"I'm his runt son." Loki said coldly.
"Stop that. Just because you're a few feet smaller than them doesn't mean you are not part of your family. You are a sovereign prince of Jotunheim. You're Loki Laufeyson and that's all you should care about." Elli told him kindly.
Loki smiled softly and saw that Elli put her hand out to him.
"I can't. I-I don't want to hurt you." Loki told her.
"Right, sorry. I forgot. I just thought you'd like a friend. I'm sorry." Elli said.
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. It's mine." Loki told her.
"And why is it yours?" Elli asked.
"I hurt everyone I know." Loki replied.
"That's not true, you-"
"It is, Elli. I...oh I don't why I'm telling you all of this." Loki stuttered.
"Please, tell me." Elli said softly.
"When I was conceived, my mother grew very sick. As the months went by, she got worse and so did I. The nurses told my father that it would either be my mother or I who would survive. When I was born, I was a few sizes too small and my mother passed away shortly after. I killed her and my father and brother remind me of it daily. They make fun of me and ridicule me in front of everyone they come across. They treat me as if I'm nothing to them. But,'ve been so kind and generous that I would hate myself forever if I hurt you." Loki explained.
"Loki, I'm so sorry. If I had known, I would have said something more at the lunch table. I'm truly sorry." Elli apologized.
"Let's continue with the book shelves." Loki said, trying to change the subject.
"We could get it all done today if you use your magic." Elli smiled brightly.
"No, if I do, my father will get suspicious. No one can fix bookshelves that quickly." Loki told her.
"Oh, you're right. How about every day you use your magic on the next bookshelf and then we can talk for a few hours to make it seem like we did hard work?" Elli asked.

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