CHAPTER 10: Their Love

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Yes, this is a birthday update for our beloved Shoto, who has been the sweetest cupid alive (though he might not stay only a cupid for long 🤷🏻‍♀️)! I guess y'all will agree with me on this!
Anyway, one more thing I wanted to say...
This book has crossed 600 views... like... WOW!! 🥹
I did not expect my work to be so well received by all of you, so thank you so very much! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Please keep giving love and support to this work of mine!

'Is this it...?'

Bakugo thought as his heart raced frantically. He had turned around and was now looking at the retreating figure of Shoto, who had just said his goodbye to the blond.

'Was that, like, forever? We'll never be talking again like this...?'

He knew that they had no more reasons to meet up. He was aware the bicolored male was being completely reasonable by ending things right here. After all, Bakugo had only approached him so that he could help with his love life. However, his heart was just not ready to give up on this friendship or whatever relationship they shared, yet.

'Do I want it to end like this...?'

Bakugo had been so busy sorting out his love life that he hadn't even realized when Shoto had become such an important part of his life. Not before now had he stopped to think about another bond he was forming all along with the dual-haired boy between this mess.

'No... I don't want this... STOP!'

Bakugo, finally choosing his heart over his pride, ran after Shoto, who was now near the gates of the school, about to step out.


The blond yelled at the top of his lungs, attracting attention from the few people around and causing Shoto to stop in his tracks.

Shoto turned around to see Bakugo, the boy with ash-blond hair and crimson eyes who had always made Shoto's heart race, running towards him.

"*huff* You... *huff* You're an asshole..."

Bakugo was panting heavily by the time he reached Shoto, who was now staring at him with a confused expression.

"Did I do something?"

Shoto asked, curious as to why he was being called that.


Bakugo spoke after he caught his breath. His hands were sweating due to nervousness. He knew he was about to ask something crazy of the one in front of him.

"Oh... What have I done to offend you, Bakugo?"

Shoto was so sure that the only reason the blond would ever run after him again was if he had done something to piss him off.

"Well, you've helped me with my twin flame. So I'll help you with yours. I don't like to stay indebted to someone, especially you, Candy Cane."

It was too out of character for Bakugo to simply say,'I wanna be your friend', so he had to come up with some excuse to make Shoto stay without acting all suspicious.

However, inside the said boy, were battling the different emotions that had arisen in him as soon as Bakugo spoke.

'Help me with mine...?'

He wondered, oblivious to Bakugo's intention. It would obviously take a lot of time for Shoto to find his twin flame. Who's to say, maybe he won't even find his in this life.

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