#1: Some brother you are

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Flug's POV

Here I am again, another day, another stress
I love making inventions for the heroes to help fight the villains but me using my own creations to fight them myself is so utterly impossible because of this so called "brother" of mine always kept me inside our headquarters or base just for my fuckin "safety"
I really hate it how he still treat me like a kid! I'm a grown up now- well... I'm 18 years old but still a grown up! I can handle it on my own, I'm not that weak!... Well... Right? I mean... It's been a while since I've faced and fought a villain..but nevermind that!

It's just so unfair! It seems to look amazing and refreshing fighting the enemies but that stupid brother of mine is so damn protective..
So now... Most of the heroes are out there fighting the villains.. And I'm just here, sitting while cleaning one of my masterpieces, also known as my inventions
Heh.. Too bad, couldn't use them myself towards the enemies...

"Flug! Oh there you are, cmere bro
There's a villain on the loose!" Goldheart exclaimed who quickly entered the room to warn me
"Means I'm finally gonna fight with you?!" I beamed while holding one of my weapons which is an explosive ray
He then tapped my shoulders with his hands with a disappointed look on his face
I glared at him because I know what he's gonna answer
"I'm sorry okay..? We're just gonna go to somewhere safer... Chat later because one of the villains were already somewhere inside our base, cmon let's go!" He explained then started running towards the exit while holding me
"It's just one enemy! ONE! We can fight it off! Defeat them! Together!" I yelled while doing my best to catch up on his speed

"We've talked about this many times-"
"Let me prove it to you! I hate staying and doing nothing at all!"
"You're already doing great!"
"Making inventions and just for you guys to USE them?? Unacceptable!"
"Just understand Flug, please!-" I was about to argue back again until someone snatched me harshly from my brother

"Well well well!~ look what do we have here~" said the one who took me and held me like I'm some sort of hostage
I looked to my side to see it was a girl... and she looked like she was just on my age... She's so strong and she also has long red hair
"Oh I'm gonna make my blacky so proud of me~" she cooed as she pointed her nails on my neck
"LET HIM GO!" my brother yelled
This time, I'm really gonna show him what really I'm capable of!
I quickly grabbed my electric ray from my pocket then shot the enemy that was behind me as she finally let me go
Thankfully I'm not affected by the electricity because I programmed it to only hit the enemies..

I then sprinted towards Goldheart as he grab my wrist again to run
"See that?? I can fight them! But of course we can't kill them because we're heroes.." I told him
Even tho I would like the feeling of killing... But... It's really bad.. Why bother?? And why am I thinking about stuffs like that??
"She almost hurt you with her nails, bro. Let's just get you to safety" He calmly said
That's it..
I glared at him and harshly let go myself from his grip
We stopped and started staring at each other
"Flug, what-" he asked but I quickly cut him off

"Am I not really that good enough to you?? Oh you know what? Why would I even care about your thoughts on me?! Why am I even still listening to your nonsense?! Didn't you see I just knocked down a villain on my own with no problems at all?! Or are you fuckin blind now??"
"Flug, we have talked about this many times-"
"Bro calm down!-"
"No! Not when you tell me what's wrong with you!"
"I'm just too afraid to lose you okay?! I failed to protect our parents, now I can't lose you too!" He snapped as he grabbed my arm again
My eyes widened in shock
"But it wasn't your fault at all! Why put me into this... absurd mind of yours?!" I snarled

"Now I'm fully experienced, I know everything what's been going on outside, so my only advice for you is to stay safe! It's for your own good!" He exclaimed then pulled me inside a room then closed the doors
What the-
"Look, if everything is fine now and no more villains.. You're all free. Just please understand our situation right now.." He said from behind the doors
"You're not considerate..." I grumbled
"I know.. I'm sorry.."

Minutes later
I finally made up my mind since I already know and I'm now brave enough to help to fight off villains
To prove him and let him watch what I really am capable of
That he doesn't need to lock me up in some random rooms just for my nonsense "safety"

I straighten my clothes as well as the paper bag I'm wearing and grabbed some few weapons, well... most of the weapons are all made by me
Yup, I'm so creative and also proud of myself
I looked at the time to see it was now past noon
Stupid brother, always telling me what to do when he doesn't even have his attention on me at all! He's always focused on others and only cares for me when I make good inventions or something personal that was on me..

I sighed then grabbed my small backpack and put all the stuffs I needed inside then proceeded to wear it and walked towards the doors.... Until suddenly...
The lights went out

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