#7: Welcome

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Flug's POV

"Ugh what's taking this bag headed so long to wake up" said a familiar girl voice
"Patience is always the key, dear"
"*squeals* did you just call me dear?!"
"Sarcasm, darling"
"There you go again in different term! But aren't you also the person who always loses patie-"

Because of that sudden yell, I jolt fully wide awake and deeply gasped as if I just came back from the dead
"Speak of a devil"
"Finally! You're awake.... hmm... new coworker"
Coworker?? What's going on?? What even happened?
I slowly sat up then rubbed my temples since my head hurts a bit and I realized that I still have my bag on
Though I expected them to take it off or something, unless if they've already seen my face but I really hope not

"Whe.. Where am I?" I asked started to look around then also started remembering what just happened before all of this
Oh yeah... the deal
I noticed my wounds are also gone
How..? Did he heal me? Or was I out for some days? No... I'm supposed to be hungry right now if that's the case.. So I was being healed..
"Welcome to your new home! Black Hat Manor!.... more like an organization...Or something like that" Demie said then started looking up and down at me
"My mansion, indeed, tho I want you to explore the place now since you'll be living here starting today. Must as well memorize the place if you don't wanna get lost." Blackhat said then started walking out the room but he glanced to his side one more time to talk again
"Give my new employee a tour, Dem.   Then after the tour, I want him to my office, alone" he then left the room, not even closing the door behind

"Roger that boss!" Demie exclaimed
"So you heard the boss? Come on now!" She added as she quickly dragged me out from the bed
I suddenly felt some pain in my legs then did my best to keep my balance and not to fall
"C-careful!" I whined
"Ugh, that's because you're weak, I don't even like and accepted you yet! Never will! So move your weak ass now and come with me!" She yelled who was already annoyed and started dragging me with her again
Good thing the pain in my legs started to disappear

"So the room you were just in was Clinic no. 2, there's 4 clinics in this house. Each floors has clinics, soooo we're at the 2nd floor right now"
So this mansion has 4 floors..? I feel like... I don't think there's only 4 floors...
Looking around, I find everything astonishing... the wallpapers, paintings, floors, furnitures, windows...everything are perfect!
But why do I get this feeling that we're being watched all the time.?
I just shivered at that feeling and just shrugged it off
".....Blackhat's office is just inches away, we'll explore the first floor later, then the 3rd and 4th floor are not that much of coolness but let's just go anyway" Demie added
Oh this is gonna be a looong day...

Hours later, after the tour
"So that's all it! Now let's go to the office!" Demie exclaimed and started dragging me again with her
I felt so tired now that I wanna rest so bad but I still can't since I have a meeting with Blackhat alone in his office...
I swear I wasn't this weak before..
Maybe this is just because walking around the place for hours, yeah make sense..
Before I knew it, Demie quickly knocked on the big doors that I assume we're now outside Blackhat's office
"Blacky~! I did it!" She squealed
Dang, I didn't even realize that we're already here

"Come in and you may leave now Dem, go wherever you want and do whatever you want, I don't care" Blackhat snarled from the inside
"If you say so, lord Blackhat sir~
Heh, badluck to you, coworker" She said and started to walk off, leaving me behind
"It's Flug!" I introduced myself
"I never asked, asshole!" She replied until she was now gone through the hallways
Sheesh, I only said that so that she would stop calling me "coworker"

Gulping, I opened the door then stepped in
Blackhat was facing his back on me, staring through the windows in front of him
The door was slammed closed which made me flinch in shock
"Come here, Flug" he demanded as I did what he told me
Walking until I was now behind him, inches away
"Beside me" he sternly said, I gulped again then went beside him
I was shaking in fear because I'm anxious at everything since I'm with Blackhat now, and he's Blackhat himself, of course most of people feared him.

There was a long silence for a while until I decided to spoke up which regretting it later for doing the first move or something
"W-what c-can I do f-for you, s-sir?"
"First of all, stop with your blasted stuttering, it's so damn annoying" he snarled
I was also staring outside the window, purposely avoiding looking at him
The outside ain't really that bad, most of it are also my taste which is really weird..
"So... How'd you like the place so far?" He asked
"E-everything was great... L-liked it so far" I answered, trying my best not to stutter
"What did I tell you about the stuttering?" He asked, clearly annoyed now
"I r-really am s-sorry! I-it's just a habit of m-mine!" I apologized, I was still shaking in fear and really nervous since this is the first time I encountered such person especially a villain himself

"Then remove it as your habit. So anyway, I assume you were homeschooled since I never really see you go outside, maybe just once before but... the point is, what do you do? Your job to be exact?" He asked
He saw me once..? Before..? When? How? Where?
"U-um... I build, making inventions, crafting, fixing stuffs, experiment... I guess that's just it..?" I shyly answered
"Experiment? Are you some kind of doctor or scientist?"
"N-not really a doctor... well I was supposed to be one but... A-after I failed operating a p-person, I stopped and l-left... Forgetting that doctor title behind
But I'm more on science now, experimenting chemicals and... s-stuffs"

"How did you fail?"
"I a-assumed everything was p-perfect and will go w-well, turns out, I was wrong.. The machine suddenly stopped working then the anesthesia I put on the patient seemed to kill him. I should've checked first if the patient was allergic to such medication-"
"Was the patient allergic?"
The question suddenly hit me, making me think harder, remembering everything
"I.... no, I'm not sure, I forgot already since it was a long time ago"
But why is he asking me this...
"Heh, I doubt there's no one there who keeps some grudges against you"

Now that I think about it, there really are some certain persons.. But why come up with it? Wait... don't tell me..
"They might be the reason of your failure, doctor~ *chuckles*
See, you fail not just because of yourself, but it's also because of others" he lectured me
Ugh, those bitches, I should've not let them touch my stuffs and let them in during the operations

"Now... You can work on the laboratory of this manor starting tomorrow, cuz I wanna see how you really do your work and I hope you'll surprise me with the results" he stated and now facing me, I faced him as well, still nervous to look at him straight to the eyes
So I'm now just staring at his puffed ches- wait what
"You already know where the Lab is, right? So just do anything you wanna do there, I don't care
You're dismissed, for now" he stated
I nodded then left the room

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