#20: Mine

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Flug's POV

I was so sure that I died but... why do I feel like there's someone who's caressing my cheek and I'm laying on a soft fabric, assuming that I was on bed
I even feel like I'm breathing again or maybe I made it to the afterlife but with bed?
I also don't feel my paper bag on my head

I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise, Blackhat was on top of me, he laid on his side and his head on his hand for support
He was the one who's caressing my cheek! I shivered at that as well as becuz his hands were cold
"Why good morning my dear scientist, pardon me if I ever disturbed your beauty sleep~" He cooed
I shivered again
Since when is he that flirty, wait.. Is he even flirting? Or am I his next meal?? Oh shit I'm gonna die again
He suddenly chuckled which I forgot again that he can read minds and I really hated that

"Where... am I? I could have sworn I... died... Or was it all just a dream? no.. it wasn't but... is this the dream??" I asked, now confused
Blackhat then stopped touching me, he moved over so now he's fully on top of me and pinning me down
I raised my shoulders, suddenly getting nervous
"You're just in my room and yes you died but I brought you back to life" He answered
"But... why..?" I hesitantly asked
"Don't you want it?"

"No it's not like that, it's just... I'm thankful.."
"My pleasure"

Though I still don't get why... like there's something off..

"*chuckles* I made a deal with your precious brother and he foolishly accepted it"
My eyes widened in shock, not really expecting that
"That was the only way for him to make it up to you, and he won't be ever seeing you again" he added
"He... did it for me..? So means, you have his soul too?!" I asked
"Yes I have his soul but I don't have yours anymore since I've returned it to you so you also have your full freedom"

I was about to speak until he added
"But... You're still mine" then he suddenly grabbed a mirror and he pulled up shirt to my neck level
I squeaked at his sudden action but showed me something...
In the mirror, I see a blackhat logo or tattoo just like on Dem's left arm on... my.. chest?!
"Why in my chest of all parts?? I mean, why it's not on my left arm too?" I complaint but I was still scared at the same time
"Simple, because you're special to me"
I blushed at the sudden compliment

He then pulled down my shirt and sat up
"Since you have now your full freedom... you still have a chance to leave this place and find a place where you're more comfortable at" he said, but I hear a hint of disappointment on his voice
"Why tho..?"
"Or did you mean all of the things you said? You're glad that I came to your life, you're glad that you get to work for me, and that you.. idolize me?" He added, now raising a brow
Ooh.. So this is what it's all about

I sat up then carefully leaned closer to him
"Yes lord Blackhat... I meant all of those.. I am thankful for everything you did to me and in return... I'll serve for you, stay with you, be loyal with you,... I'll do a-anything for you! I will never ever... b-betray you" I affirmed then gave him a warm embrace
I know I shouldn't hug him like this but I just couldn't help it even if he'll hurt me for this
I was expecting to be attacked or something but instead... he hugged back
"Well then, that settles it"

3rd Person's POV

3 years later

Everything went back to normal after the incident, except for Goldheart not encountering the people of that blackhat manor

Flug somehow misses his brother but is too afraid to ask Blackhat about seeing him at least just once
He still wanna ask his boss anyway but first he has to make something that will please Blackhat

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