#12: The Crystal

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Flug's POV

"Took you long enough, nerd!" Demie yelled, who has now a missing left arm. She was bleeding a lot
Surrounds us was some dead and barely alive heroes and heroines
She killed them on her own??
"Now come on, hurry!" She yelled then quickly grabbed me as we ran towards where our plane was being landed
"A-are y-you okay?! You're a-arm, it's-"
"Never better!" She quickly interrupted
Oh I hope you're really fine!
"You're not going anywhere!" Some heroes yelled and now surrounded us

We are now on our fighting and defense stance
"Tsk, just stay close!" I told Demie
"No! You stay close!" She argued
"This isn't the time for that!" I yelled back then took out my electricity gun under my coat and started shooting the heroes
When our path was finally cleared, I quickly grabbed Demie with me and ran towards the plane until I was suddenly struck by one of their powers and landed on the floor face first harshly
"Flug! Grrrr" Demie growled and now fighting with the heroes again

"Everyone enough! Don't hurt my brother!" I heard Goldheart yelled
I limply stood up
"He ain't your brother anymore Goldy! Look what they've done to our fellow heroes! He's a traitor and now a rebellious villain!" One of the heroes told him
Goldheart's expression was now terrified, he realized what really was happening when he saw the dead bodies of his fellas and that we were fighting them

"Flug... How could you..?" He silently asked, I just glared at him
"You should've known better!" I yelled as I was about to shoot one of them again until...

"Flug, watch out you idiot!" Demie yelled as she harshly pushed me aside and she was the one who was being struck by a lazer instead
Caused her to lose another limb, which is her left leg

My eyes widened in shock and my heart skip a beat
"DEMIE!!!" I went beside her
She was already bleeding a lot and they're making it worse!
"J-just go!" She yelled
I'm not leaving without you dammit!
I'll also be dead because we're supposed to come back unharmed!
"Give up now, you pathetic excuse failure if you don't wanna end up like her" one of them stated
I held Demie close then hurriedly grabbing something under my coat

"You could've killed her!" I yelled at them, distracting them
"Who cares! That's a monster! Plus, she killed a lot of my fellas! And villains like you should pay!" Sunblast yelled
I looked at Goldheart's direction to see he was now helping his wounded and still alive fellas and gave me a disappointed look
So they already see me as a villain huh? Tsk

I finally took something out, it was an explosive flash bomb that can still hurt people
"Now what the fuck is that?" One of them asked
I glared at them then activated the bomb and threw it at them
"Hey!" one of them yelled as they started backing away when they realized what was it
I stood up, carried Demie and finally entered our plane and activated ultra protection mode
Laying Demie down on her chair carefully and now started the plane and quickly flew out from the place. An explosion was being heard from behind as well as flashing lights was being seen

I glanced at Demie to see her barely breathing
"D-Demie? Y-you are s-still okay.. r-right?" I stuttered, hoping she'll still make it
No answer, her eyes were already closed but still breathing weakly
I shut my eyes closed, couldn't focus on my driving well
It's my fault... she was hurt badly... I left her alone with them so it's my fault!
I opened my eyes again then activated the turbo mode to be back home quickly

Once we finally arrived at home
I quickly carried her with me towards my lab then put her down on a capsule and made her wear an oxygen mask
Damn... It's been so long since I've done this... I don't even know if this will work right... But I'll do my best only for her to survive!
I closed the capsule as some liquid started to pour in, filling the capsule in. The liquid also made her stop bleeding

"How rude of you not announcing your arrival first"
I flinched in surprise and jumped to face him
"L-lord Blackhat s-sir! I am so s-so s-sorry, I f-forgot! I was t-too p-panic a-and" I tried to explain until he suddenly slapped me and I yelped at that, now holding the place where he slapped me
"Half failed your first mission, I see?" He said then headed towards the capsule where Demie was inside
I just looked down, afraid to talk back at him again though I'm just trying to explain

"Have you done this kind of thing before, tho?" He asked, observing my experiment
"Yes.... but only on species.. or animals.." I muttered
"Is she some kind of animal?" He asked again, now giving me a questioning look
"N-no sir, she's... my first human experiment ever but positive! I'm not letting her die" I explained

"Can I... start now.. sir?" I asked as he just nodded then went beside me
I sighed and now tapping on some buttons to start
The capsule started glowing until the power suddenly went out
My eyes widened, and checked on what went wrong
No no no...

"What might be the problem, doctor?" He asked who was observing me
I tapped on some buttons again but nothing seem to be working
"There's... t-this thing is... missing something.. to make her regenerate.." I muttered
I swear I was sure that my lab has all what it needs and finished this creation of mine just fine! What seems to be missing??

"Or maybe... your experiment didn't make it at all" He stated and now grinning at the capsule
My heart skipped a beat, I ran towards the capsule to see Demie was not actually breathing anymore then glanced at the heart monitor to see that no heartbeats at all. I fell on my ass, now shaking my head and couldn't believe what was happening
She's dead
D-Didn't she make it in time? Was my invention actually not complete and broken..? Or worse... Did... Did I killed her? I... I killed her..?? No no..

I was now tearing up
There's no way... I.. I killed another patient again! And it's my fault this time... I don't deserve a doctor title..

"Ugh, you're such a drama queen. If you really want her alive so bad then you have my permission to use that crystal I asked you to retrieve" Blackhat suddenly stated
I stopped crying and now confused
Slowly standing up and took the crystal out my coat
"Can I ask..? What does this crystal do.. actually?" I asked and now facing him while the glowing crystal being on my hand

He just continued on grinning, the smile that always makes me uncomfortable
"Coincidence isn't it? That crystal holds the power of an ancient lizard. Whoever will have the possession of that crystal forever then shall have... enormous speed of regeneration and be more stronger but not as stronger as me, of course" He explained and I was amazed

"T-thank you... sir" I thanked him as he just glared at me
"Just shut up and do your thing already. Oh.. I almost forgot," he trailed and I waited for his next words
"That crystal is good but... bad at the same time since it affects the host's memory" he finished
"So.. Still gonna use it? You have no other choice tho~" He cooed

I stared at the crystal then at Demie and hopelessly sighed
For you to be okay... Demie...
I'll see you soon

I inserted the crystal inside the machine and activated it again
The capsule once again started glowing and now forming some bubbles inside
Most of Demie's hair started to form green color and her missing limbs started to regenerate into new ones as well..
It worked... but at what cost..?

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