#3: Stubborn

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Goldheart's POV

I swear I was just gone for a minute and when I came back to check on my brother... Look what I found, him unconsciously laying down on the cold floor while his leg is bleeding. Good thing I reacted fast and quickly brought him to our clinic room
So here I am now, in the Clinic room, sitting on the side of the bed where Flug is being laid and caressing his hair
I still don't get why he hides his face with his paper bag when he has a gorgeous face!
I told him before about it, maybe he's just being too nervous or something...
But I guess it's still good that he hides his head because... His hair is all pure gold, and we're still glad no one knows yet except for the two of us of course.. But the appearance of his hair isn't that really obvious that it's real gold... We'll be doomed if anyone would ever find out, specially to my brother

They might use him for money, or even hurt him! And I can't have him that... But Flug is Flug... He's just too stubborn to listen to me, I guess it's still my fault that I wasn't on his side most of the time... But I'm still keeping my promise to my parents that I'll take care and protect him-
"Mmmhh.. Wha.. Herbert..?" Flug suddenly spoke, snapping me out from my thoughts and stopped caressing his hair
"Cmon, I told you to just call me by my hero name-"
"It's just the two of us here, why bother?" He weakly asked
"Okay Flug, what happened?" I asked him in serious tone
"Didn't expect 2 villains would be inside the base.." He muttered while looking away
Dang, we really need more stronger protection
"Our security is useless for him" he added which caught my attention
"Who exactly did you encountered?" I asked

"The one and only... Blackhat" he answered while giving me a stern look
My eyes widened in shock as I felt chill ran down my spine
"Him of all people?! I... I swear we've never encountered him before- well I guess once or twice but entering our base?? He has never done that and why now?!" I panicked as I stood up, started walking back and fourth
"That's what I thought too" Flug said as he stood up as well from his bed
I quickly went to him and trying to lay him down for a while
"No Flug, just rest there for a while, I bet he's the one who did that to your leg" I said, pointing at his injured leg
But good thing he didn't die for an instant, I mean it's Blackhat of all villains!

"I told you I don't need anymore of your damn protections, I can handle everything now on my own! I survived from him and I was able to hurt him! If only you were there to see it so that I can prove you!" He exclaimed
Oh brother..
"Fainting ain't an exception" I simply said
"B-but I felt like it was my first time in a while again! It's your fault anyway, that's why I'm not really that skilled and experienced-"
"Okay now, to be honest, with that body of yours doesn't suit fighting them" I interrupted him as he looked shocked
"Body shaming! It doesn't matter if I'm not that physically fit, no muscles, low immunity system, etc. At least let me fight them to help you, and for me to protect myself just in case!"

"As long as I'm here, I'll always be there to protect you! This is for your own good"
"NO! Just enough! I'm already tired of your shits!" He snapped then stood up, grabbing his paperbag with goggles on it, and started walking out, stumbling a little because of his injured leg
Ugh this stubborn kid
I followed behind him, trying to stop him again but he stopped me
"Don't even think about following and stopping me or you'll see what I'll even do to you" then wore his mask or the paperbag
He was really angry, most are because of me..
Mom, dad... If only you're still here..
I just couldn't handle everything about him.. I don't even know if I'm really doing this right..

Flug's POV

Stupid excuse of a brother
Everyone have the right to do whatever they want! Him being as my big bro, he should know best and consider what I really want!
It's also been my dream to fight any enemies...
I'm now in my bedroom then closed the door from behind
Sighing then proceeded to sit down on my bed
I hate everything about him.. I just couldn't tell why but... He's getting on my nerves..
Stupid heroes as well.. Wait, I'm a hero but since I'm not really fighting any villains and because of my brother, it means that I've never been a hero? Sure I sell my inventions to help to fight a villain but fighting one myself? So.. I'm not a hero at all? I doubt everybody knows me being one of the heroes.. I rarely interact with others...
*sigh* Yes, my brother is a hero but doesn't mean I'm one too!
This is unfair!

That's it, tomorrow I'm gonna leave
I can live on my own, I don't need his stupid security anymore
I ain't that weak and I'm not a kid!
I really hate being underestimated and being seen as a weakling
So I'll train myself instead, oh yeah.. Speaking of training, he won't even let me. Ugh, this really sucks..
I took out my notepad then my pen and started writing some plans for the next day
"Oh I'm gonna prove everybody that I'll be more something else, more worth to fight with... And won't let my enemies see me as a fuckin noob"

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