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"Where have you been?" Cherish said as soon as Levi stepped back into his house. She stood at the door arms crossed and tapping her feet like an enraged mother whose kid had snuck out of the house. She was ready to give Levi fire this night but he didn't want her drama. Levi looked at her defeatedly and attempted to move further into the house. She blocked his path. He could have easily picked her up like a toothpick and thrown her aside but he was not the kind who laid hands on women.

"Levi I'm talking to you!" She screeched.

"Don't ask me stupid questions," He replied and brushed past her into the living room where he was greeted with total chaos. His three year old son lay on the floor, thrashing his legs and screaming at the top of his lungs.

"I want mamaaaa!"

"Shut up and go to bed!" Belle shouted.

"Jay, stop crying and take biscuits from grandma." His said, extending her hand towards the child.

"No! No! No!" The child screamed even louder, tears running down his face. Since Jay turned 3 he had been throwing tantrums like this and only Marlise knew how to handle him.

"If you don't stop that crying I will..." Kezia started saying.

"Don't you dare threaten my son in my house," Levi growled.

"Jeremy, you will see mama tomorrow. Okay?" Levi said over the child's screams.

"Stop encouraging him, she's not his mama." Cherish shouted making Levi turn to her.

"Is that so? You can have him since you are so eager to become his mother." He said and shoved the screaming child into her arms. Cherish caught him like an unwanted gift while he marched into his room and banged the door. Jay's cries pierced through the door and cut through his heart like a saw. When he could bear it no more, he jumped out and went to the living room, took his son in his arms and brought him back to the room. Jay cried for a few more minutes and fell asleep. When all was quiet, he went back to the living room because he had to have a difficult conversation.

"Tomorrow is Sunday. I want everyone out of my house my six pm." He said so deeply and coldly his mother's eyes popped open.

"Ha!" Belle let out a mockery laughter and turned to her sister.

"Is he talking to us?" She said to Kezia who just shrugged in disinterest.

"Are you kicking us out of your house?" His mother asked.

"Yes. I am and take your beloved Cherish with you," Levi announced and started to walk away.

"We are going nowhere. This house belongs to us," Levi's mother said. He froze, anger building up like bitter bile. He probably did not hear well.

"Our house?" He asked angrily, looking straight into his mother's eyes. Ma Eli was the queen of staring so she looked right back at him. Tension built like electricity and they would have heard a pin drop.

He took a deep breath.

"Then I would like you to know that Marlise is..."


"Pregnant? Marlise you are what?" Ma Mado yelled into the phone. Marlise could hear the anger in her mother's voice and her own heart was beating too fast for her to repeat the words.

"Mama, it was.." Marlise stammered as emotions clogged her throat.

"It was what...a mistake? No it was not! You went there to trap a man!" She shouted.

"No ma, that was not my plan," She cried more because her own mother could think so low of her.

"Me sitting down, I saw and told you to stay away but you said you are standing tall and you can see better. Ah! my neighbours problems have come to my door oh!" Marlise knew that when her mother started exclaiming in proverbs, she had really messed up.


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