Chapter 28: Moving & Miracles

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"I'm moving out," Marlise announcement two weeks later shocked everyone in the living room.
It was about 8 am and Levi and Cherish were on their way out. He was dressed in a white shirt and blue trousers with a briefcase while she had on a white gown with assorted flowers. One hand held her handbag while the other held Jay's hand.

At her announcement, they both turned to face her. The questioning looks on their faces were enough to make her change her mind.

"No, you're not," Levi said quickly.
She raised her eyebrows, a bit surprised that he was objecting.

"I'm not asking for your permission," she said defiantly, gripping the handle of her box with one hand while the other rested on the baby carrier where Viva sat.

"You don't have to leave," Cherish's eyes pleaded and even her voice was soft.

"I need to leave your home," she stressed the home part.

"This is your home," Cherish begged.

"No, it is not," she replied.
"So where would you go?" Ma Mado had just walked into the living room.

"I rented a studio apartment in town," she replied.
"Marlise, you don't have to do this," Levi interjected. This time around, as a plea. She looked away before the look in his eyes changed her resolve. Levi still had a soft spot in the house and staying here was only making it softer. She didn't trust herself to act mature around him and even him still acted like they were dating.

"I've made up my mind. I need to get out of here. I will come back for the rest of my things tomorrow," she said while heading for the door.

"Then we'll all go and have you settled," Levi said.
"No, there's no need," she replied quickly. The plan had been to get as far away as possible and not let them know where she lived.
"I second that. We are all going, right baby?" Cherish asked.
"Right," Levi responded.

Reluctantly, she gave them directions to the compound she'd rented an apartment in. After driving for about an hour, they arrived at a large black gate housing a huge building, four stories high. She collected her keys from the caretaker and they went into the room. when they got inside.
"This is too small for you, didn't they have an apartment?" Levi complained as soon they got into the rented space.
She just rolled her eyes at him and proceeded to unstrap the baby. Her back hurt not just from carrying her but from not sleeping properly for weeks. Viva had gained some weight and not had a major health crisis in a month but she still woke up every hour to check on her. Maybe a miracle was happening in her child's body but she was afraid to hope. She just wanted to have a space where she could think of her next move since Elad was no longer going to help her.
"It's just two of them, did you want her to take a condo?" Cherish asked, annoyed.
"It will be enough for three of us," Mado said suddenly.
They all looked at her.
"What do you mean?" Marlise asked.
"I'm moving in with you. You don't think I will leave you and my grandchild alone?" She asked.
"So what you're saying is that you don't consider Jay your grandchild?" Marlise tried guilting her but she saw it wasn't going to work.
"Mama is right, I would feel better if she were with you?" Levi said.
"This isn't about you! You're not my husband, boyfriend, or my sponsor!" Marlise raised her voice.
"'But I'm Viva's father," he said firmly
"And have you been a father to her?" Marlise asked.
"That's enough! We have gone past that stage of blame. What we should focus on is the future," Ma Mado said.

"OK, can you please ask if they have an apartment so you and Mama can move in?" Levi was now more calm and respectful.

"Hmm, this is more expensive, "the caretaker, a very dark-skinned man with a kind face replied when they asked for a larger space.

"Do I look like I don't have money?" Levi asked attempting to intimidate the man. It annoyed Marlise.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to disrespect you or your wife," The man apologized.

"He's not my husband. It's just that I will be living with my mother and we need at least two more rooms. Money is not a problem," Marlise replied politely, rolling her eyes at Levi.

The man looked a little confused but he showed them an available three-bedroom apartment.

"The landlady is out of the country at the moment but will be back next month. She's asked us to give this apartment out only for emergencies because it's reserved for her guests. Normally, I would have to call her and wait for approval but I would risk it and let you rent it for only three months. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I feel it is meant for you.

"Thank you, Mr..." Marlise remembered she didn't know his name.

"Nkeng Jochebed but just call me, Jo," he said with a smile.

"The goodness is, this is a furnished apartment so you don't have to bring anything," Mr. Jo said, opening the curtains inside the house. Although there was dust on the surface of the leather seats and glass table, the place was made for royalty. A large golden chandelier hung low from the ceiling, dark blue leather couches contrasted the white bare walls that had just a picture frame of an elegant looking elderly woman. The woman had silver hair, contrasting very fair skin, and eyes that glowed somehow like she was looking right into Marlise. She found herself staring at the picture for a few seconds especially on the birthmark under her eyes as if she knew her from somewhere.

"Who's that, please," Marlise asked.

"Oh, that's the landlady," he replied, blowing dust off the picture.

"The house has to be aired so I'm afraid you cannot move in today," Mr. Jo apologized, swiping cobwebs from his view. at that moment, his phone rang and he said he needed to attend to something else.


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