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Marlise placed her fingers on both sides of her temple and massaged the stress out of her brain. She'd been sitting in front of the laptop for almost two hours, writing articles for the foundation. Viva Heart!
The name still made her heart do cartwheels every time she pronounced it. Doctor Kamara had changed the foundation name to honour her only grandchild. They had done a relaunch with lots of media attention where she openly declared that she'd found her son, grandchild, and a beautiful daughter, Marlise had smiled from molar to molar when the woman looked at her. Doctor Kamara was a gift that everyone wanted to be around. Her presence gave Levi a renewed sense of purpose. He was so happy, he walked about with a constant smile on his face and he put effort into making his marriage to Cherish work. They were currently out of the country because they'd gone to see a fertility specialist in Nigeria as she had difficulty conceiving. Jay was staying with her and her mother. Ma Mado had found a bestie in Doc since they were about the same age. Jay loved her because she pampered and indulged him and Marlise didn't have the heart to stop her. Jay too had been through a lot. The only person who stayed away was Ma Eli. She always had a thousand excuses why she couldn't come for events related to the doctor.

Marlise worked as the Community Manager for Viva Heart. Even though it was a bit tiring, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been this relaxed. From the moment she discovered she was pregnant, her life had been a roller coaster but life had given her a break. Her baby was now running from one end of the house to the other laughing and having the time of her life.
"So what's your plan Marlise?" Doctor Kamara asked out of the blue. It was evening and the woman was supposed to be in her study.
She looked up confused. What was she talking about?
"Do you plan to marry your job? What's your plan?" Doctor Kamara repeated with a smile. Typical mothers! Marlise thought.
"I'm never getting married Doc. I've had enough drama for one lifetime," she said emphatically. Doctor Kamara just shook her head.
"Marlise..." she started in a serious tone.
"I know doc, life is short, spend time with loved ones. I have enough loved ones to go around," she dismissed. The topic about marriage and relationships had been coming up more and more often but she always dismissed it as she'd just done. She wasn't interested. She'd eavesdropped on Doc and her mother as they discussed about her. Sighing audibly, she picked up her phone and to check on foundation's Facebook page. A thought just dropped in her head to check out Elad's page. After her last call with Christy, she wondered how he'd not even tried reaching out to her. She too had been afraid to call him for fear of what his wife would do. Her eyes landed on a post from a week ago with Christy's picture.

"It's been one year already babe, I miss you," it read.

For the first few minutes, she was confused then she continued, continue to rest in peace.

Christy had passed away?

She quickly googled Christy's name and found a news article from a year ago.

Christina Kameni has passed away this morning after battling breast cancer.

"Oh no!" Marlise couldn't believe her eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Doctor Kamara had come out of her study upon hearing Marlise's exclamations.
She shook her head and explained what had happened and her relationship with Elad.
"If you say he's your friend, I think you should reach out to him," Doctor Kamara said.
Marlise's heart continued to beat fast as she thought of the prospect of meeting Elad again. It would be awkward. What would she say to him?
She called but the number just continued to ring and stop. Maybe he didn't want to talk. A few minutes later, he called back.
"Marlise?" There was a tone of surprise in his voice.
"Hi...hello Elad," she said hesitantly.
She wondered whether to go straight to the point or start asking him how he'd been. He sensed her hesitation.
"You heard about Christy?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm so sorry. How are you holding up over there?" she asked.
"As best as I can. I'm actually still in Cameroon. I stayed since after the burial. Its just been hard whenever I think of returning to an empty house," he said.
"I'm sorry. Where are you?" she asked.
They arranged to meet at a restaurant. A few minutes later, Doctor Kamara's driver Oumar was taking her to the place.
When she set eyes on Elad, he released a very bright smile, she wondered how he could still smile in spite of everything. He was all bubbly and fun.
"Marlise! I'm so glad to see you!" He said, engulfing her in a hug. She tried not to lean in too close but his hug lingered for two seconds longer. They sat down and Elad told her that Christy had battled cancer for two years before she passed. As he spoke, the confident Elad started breaking down and soon, he lowered his head and began to son. Marlise looked around wondering what to do as they were in public. She couldn't exactly hug him si she sent her hand and placed it on his shoulder and told him everything would be okay.
"Thank you for calling. I think I've held it together for everyone including our child. I've not really spoken about how this has affected me," he said, red and puffy eyed.
"Your child?" that's all she heard.
"Oh yes. We used a surrogate just about that time we stopped communicating. Our daughter is two years old. She's here with my mom," he said.
After the dinner Marlise asked that he bring his daughter to meet Viva. The next time they met a week later was therefore at Doctor Kamara's house. Then he came the next day and the next until it had become three months since they reconnected.
"Wow! One minute I'm alone and the next second, I have kids running all around my yard. I'm so blessed," Doctor Kamara remarked as Jay, Viva and Elad's daughter Tiffany ran back and forth the yard, playing and screaming at the top of their lungs.
"I hope you're satisfied with the number of grandkids you have. No more talks of marriage," Marlise said.
"Says who? What about Mr handsome over there?" Doc pointed at Elad who was walking back from the restroom.
"I don't plan to marry, he's not ready to remarry, we're just perfect," Marlise said.
"Ok. I just want you to know that your friend who has no plans to remarry has been coming here everyday and looking at you like there's diamond in your eyes," Doctor Kamara laughed.
"Doc, don't put ideas in my he..." her tongue caught in her mouth, her heart started beating fast as her eyes met with Elad's.


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