Chapter 10: Questions

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Eli Mutanda had her phone on loud speaker as she engaged in a heated argument with Mado Ayah over the phone. She had just sat down to watch a telenovela this evening when her phone rang.
"Tell your son to treat my daughter well. I am tired of reading her countless messages of how Levi is treating her. Of course I've not responded because I don't want to encourage her," She said.
"She should take care of her home!" Ma Eli replied, annoyance obvious in her voice.
"No, I have done my part Eli. Cherish has married your son. Now control him to do what needs to be done,'" Mado replied sharply.
"What do you think I'm doing?" Eli was ready to hang up.
"You're failing. Mutanda farms are failing and we'll have no inheritance left at this rate." Mado said.
'We? Its my son's inheritance!" Eli's voice had risen to a high pitch, it bounced off the walls.
"Ha! Son indeed! Have you lied to yourself for so long that you believe it?" Mado replied
"Levi is my son, no matter what you say! Ma Eli shouted.

"Is there a reason why I wouldn't be?" A male voice came from behind, startling her like a deer caught in a vehicles headlights. She found herself staring into Levi's hard questioning eyes.

"Of course, you are my son." She said quickly, her eyes dancing to Cherish who stood beside him, as if asking for support. Cherish said nothing.
"Then why do you have to inform someone about it as if there's a reason why I may not be?" He asked
'What kind of question is that? After all I've done for you?" She exploded.
"Mama, your outburst is making feel like you're hiding something. Who were you talking with on the phone?" His tone was more forceful.

"None of your business. Why don't you take care of your own home? She attacked.

Levi's eyes widened in surprise.
"You're shocked? You're getting drunk, neglecting your wife and child! You will destroy everything we have worked for," She shouted, rising from her seat.

"We? I have been the errand boy of this family and you're quick to say we?" Levi's voice was so loud, the maid came out of the kitchen.
Cherish quickly handed Jay to the her who hurried with him inside.

"Let the farms all burn!" Levi shouted
"No! That farm means everything to us." She said close to tears.

"Exactly! Everything such that you will sacrifice me to keep it afloat." He said.

Eli Mutanda started sniffling and sobbing.
"Levi that's enough!" A loud authoritative voice boomed from behind causing silence to fall. He turned to see his father looking enraged.

"Apologize to your mother at once! What has gotten into you?" Mr Mutanda commanded.

"No! Cherish, get Jay, we're leaving!" He barked.


Meanwhile, Marlise opened her eyes again and she was in a different place. Her heart started pounding in her chest. What was happening to her? She stared at her strange surroundings; white walls, a ceiling fan turning, a tv on mute. She tried to lift up her hand and thats when she felt a hand on hers
"Madam please be careful. You have an IV connected to your arm," A female voice said.
She turned towards the voice.
The woman read the fear in her eyes.
"Madam, calm down please. My name is nurse Christy. You're at the hospital." Her voice was soft, easing Marlise's fear.
"I know but...but not this one I was in," she fumbled over her words.
"Oh yes. You passed out at Watte health outreach, was taken to the clinic nearby and then you passed out again." She explained slowly as if talking to a child.
"Again? Why?" Marlise asked.
"Your blood pressure shot up so they brought you to Troisieme General hospital," She explained.
"Me? I blood pressure how?" She asked confused.
"You're pregnant and it sometimes happens," nurse Christy said. At the mention of pregnancy, Marlise's hand flew to her belly and her eyes popped open with fear. She remembered how angry Elad had been with her.
"We've done several scans and your baby is fine." Nurse Christy said.
"Mr Kameni my boss?" She began.
"He's outside, do you want me to call him?" She asked.
"He's fired me. I don't know where I'll go from here. Who will hire a pregnant woman?" She lamented.
"Calm down. Mr Kameni your boss has been very worried. Let me share a secret, he's my older brother so I can tell you he's sorry," Nurse Christy said.
At that moment, Elad's head popped behind Christy.
"Remember, if you stress her, we'll kick you out of this clinic. I don't care if you own it." Christy said and woke up to leave.
"Please stay, Marlise begged." Christy resumed her seat. She felt safer just knowing that another woman was there.

Elad sat down by her right and sighed audibly. His eyes carried so much sorrow and tiredness.
"I'm..." Marlise began.
"I'm sorry," Elad finished and watched her quietly before speaking again.
'I was so insensitive and didn't consider how difficult it must be for you. I'm sorry," He repeated in a deep tone, she found herself believing him. As he spoke, she found herself drifting off to sleep.


"Why has she suddenly slept off?" He turned to Christy.
'Her body is still recovering. She needs lots of rest," She explained.
"Hmm." He nodded.
"Be gentle with her big bro. You can't judge her that easily without knowing her full story," Christy said, looking directly into his eyes.
He nodded
"And if you like her, just say it, instead of going into fits to express it," She added.
"What!!" His voice rose suddenly.
"I see the way you look at her like you want to carry her to safety," She said with a smile.
"Its not possible. I've known her for just a month. Besides, I'm not ready to like anyone again," He defended.
"A day is enough to know someone you want to be with," Christy said.
Elad remained silent.
"And lastly, tell her your story. You heal everytime you share," She concluded.

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Ma Eli and Mado are hiding something.

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