Chapter 7: Drastic Decisions

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"Good afternoon ma, I'm here to do an ultrasound," Marlise told the receptionist at the hospital.

For the past weeks, she'd been so nervous, she could barely eat. Today, she had to sneak out of the house to go to a different hospital. She didn't want Levi tracing her. Her hands shook with nervousness as she walked to the waiting area.


Levi returned to Yaounde mentally and emotionally drained. He enjoyed the quietness of the house for a few minutes as his family was no longer around. He had tricked them into leaving, knowing they were never going to take responsibility for the upkeep of the house. The rent hadn't been due but he'd arranged with the landlord to demand it from them and also ordered the drivers not to fuel the vehicles. After sleeping and waking up, he began to feel lonely, realising there was no one to share his bed. He had wanted to go with Marlise for the ultrasound but she refused to pick up her phone.


Marlise shivered when the female nurse conducting the ultrasound spread a cold gel on her belly.
"Don't be nervous, I'm sure everything will be okay," the nurse said kindly, noticing a tear running down her eyes.


"You are more cruel than me!" Eli Mutanda told Mado over the phone. Eli had finally returned to her own house after Levi travelled.

"What do you mean?" Mado asked.
"You know what I mean, you killed your own grandchild! What if she can never conceive after this?" Eli laughed.
Mado felt a wave of guilt sweep over her but she masked it with a harsh tone.
"I had to take drastic measures! You've done worse things so don't judge me. Do your part and get Levi hooked so he can't come back to Marlise." After the call, she went into Marlise's room and discovered she wasn't there.


"Madam here are your results," the nurse handed Marlise a sealed brown envelope. She took it with shaky hands and walked out of the hospital.


Levi's phone rang. When he saw who it was, he jumped in excitement.

"What is wrong?" He asked as soon as he heard Marlise's voice.

"There is no baby," she wept.
Levi felt like he'd been hit on the chest with a brick.

"I'm not pregnant so there's nothing to link us. Go ahead and marry my sister," She wailed.

"No, no! I don't accept this. I love you whether you have a baby or not," Levi confessed. He felt like she was trying to get rid of him.

"Love isn't enough Levi. Let's go our separate ways. Goodbye," she hung up.

Levi jumped into his vehicle, and drove like a fast and furious racer to the guest house. When he arrived, he ran in to her room, back out and all around the house screaming her name.

"How can you not know where your daughter is?" He yelled at Marlise's mother.

"Stop pretending! You plan to elope so she has sent you to distract me. It would not work! Where is my daughter?" Mado yelled.


"Bonsoir madam, do you want anything?" A male waiter asked Marlise.

"Water for now," She replied and the waiter brought it in a few minutes.
She'd been sitting at a diner 15 minutes from the hospital thinking of her next step. Her box of clothes sat under the table, like a child waiting for their parent to decide where they were going next. She wanted to call someone but no name came to mind. That's when she realised from the time she could remember, Levi had been her only and closest friend. He was the one she'd always run to for help.

She took out the business cards from her purse and spread them on the table like a soothsayer trying to read the cards to tell the future.
Her eyes fell on one.
Elad Antoine Kameni
MD Watte Pharma

She took out her phone and searched the company on the web. When she realized that it was one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the country, she got intimidated. Unfortunately, she had already started dialing and it was ringing so she cut the call immediately. A few minutes later, the number called back. The phone continued to ring so she answered.

"Hello, you've reached the office of Doctor Elad Kameni. I am Roger, how can I help you?" A male voice said.
"I'm sorry for bothering you. I dialed the wrong number," She said.
"Do you wish to speak to Doctor Kameni?" The man asked.
"No, err, Yes, but I..." She stuttered.
"Madam, if you have this number, then he gave it to you himself. Unfortunately, he is away for business but I can tell him you called. Can I know your name please?" The man asked.
"Don't bother sir." She said and was about to hang up.
"Are you in some form of trouble madam, depressed, anxious or suicidal? Watte Pharma has a counselling service. Just tell me your name and I will pass you on to our counsellors,"
She told him her name just so he could give up.
"Thank you ma'am. Hang in there. We will get back to you," The man said and hung up.

She didn't need counselling. She didn't have time to sit in front of someone and cry about her problems. No man would ever make her cry again. She swore and stood up, paid for the water and left.

She went to a nearby hotel and booked three nights, got into the room and fell asleep immediately. She woke up to her phone ringing continuously. The same number she'd dialed in the afternoon had called her 7 times.

Nervousness returned as she answered the phone.
"Sir, I told you I don't need..."
"Marlise?" Elad's voice sent warmth down her belly.


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