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"She's here!"
"Who?" Marlise asked the caller. She had not taken time to see who was calling so she tried very hard to recognise the voice.
"The cardiologist, she came back earlier than 3 months." the caller's excited voice continued.

"Nurse Gisèle?" she asked.
"Yes, its me! I heard Doctor Kamara has been in the country for week now. She's been living in a hotel just to have some privacy. Today, she is launching her heart foundation and you should be there. Try to book an audience with her so she can notice you. People are scrambling for her,"

Nurse Gisèle had promised to keep her updated about the doctor's whereabouts.

Marlise quickly pulled out a shirt and jeans from her wardrobe and put on.
"Baby! We have to go okay?" she said to Viva who just looked up at her and smiled. Viva had started coughing and wheezing again one week ago, something that had not happened in a long while. She needed to see the doctor so the woman would prioritise her surgery.

Taking a taxi, she drove to the venue where nurse Gisèle had said doctor Kamara will be. A large banner ran from one end of the entrance to the other with the inscription "Welcome to the launching of Kamara Heart foundation."

The place was packed full with people sitting outside on plastic chairs. It was roudy, sunny and security kept stopping people from getting into the main hall where the doctor was. At one corner, several shiny black vehicles were parked with dangerous looking military men standing around, indicating that very important personalities like ministers were present.

The program had already begun. Loud speakers outside relayed what was happening inside. The voices over the speaker sensitized people on various heart diseases then they queued up on winding lines like snakes to be scanned by the specialists present.

When her turn came, she walked into the office and met with a slim woman in white overalls.
"There's no need to scan my daughter. I came here because she has a hole in her heart and I have been waiting for this doctor to operate her," Marlise said.
The woman looked up at her with pity
"Oh madam. Doctor Kamara came back earlier because she was summoned by some VIP patients to perform a surgery. She is fully booked," she said.

Marlise felt so disappointed so she decided to just leave. It was already evening anyway. She walked to the road and tried stopping a taxi. Typical of Yaounde, there were several taxis on the road but they weren't going her way. She tried increasing the fare but no one would take her.

"Madam, there are big people in town so they've blocked some roads like your own until they pass," a kind driver told her before driving off.

Her feet ached, she adjusted the straps of the baby carrier as it dug into her aching shoulders.
"Call levi, Mado suggested when she called to ask why.
"No way! I don't need his help," she replied firmly.
Ma mado sighed and hung up.
Big black shiny cars with double traffic lights went out of the event ground one after the other.
The last of the black vehicles stopped beside Marlise and the window came down.
"My boss says I should ask you where you're going to?" the driver asked with a frown.
For the first few seconds she was confused.
"I am going to..." she gave her directions.
"We're going that way," the driver said. She got into the back of the car and was surprised to see there was nobody else in the backseat. Fearing the man had plans to kidnap her, she asked.
"Where's your madam?"
"She's in the vehicle in front of us but if you're not comfortable you can walk!" He sounded annoyed.
She debated between stepping down and staying on but choose to stay on. However, she pressed her nose to the window glass trying to see where he was taking her. She recognized all the places so it eased her fear. Wow! Was this how it felt to be part of a convoy of vehicles? She felt like a minister as one side of the road had completely been cleared so the vehicles could go through undisturbed.
"Where are you stopping, we are almost at our place?" The driver asked.
"We seem to be going the same direction, just keep going," she remarked.
She heard the man making a call.
"Ma'am, I told you we shouldn't pick her up. She seems to want to follow us home," he said loudly.
There was silence as he listened to the person on the other end.
"I know these people ma, they just want money. If I give her some something, she will leave," he said.
"That's my gate!" she pointed hoping to get out of the vehicle of this condescending man.
The gate was opening for the first vehicle. Theirs slowed down.
"See madam, I know what you want," he said extending a 5k note to her in the backseat.
"I'm not a begger! I just want to get home!" She shouted but the driver didn't seem to believe her. He stopped the vehicle
"Get out. You're not following inside here!" he said. Her heart was racing at this confrontation. She didn't know everyone who lived in the compound but whosoever his boss was, they were very rich and influential and proud.

After the vehicles had gone into the compound, she walked to the smaller gate and presented her ID card and the gateman let her in. If they'd bothered to even ask the gateman, they would have known that she lived in the same compound. Her heart was bitter against the boss or whosoever they were and she planned to mind her business.

"What happened? Why are you so angry?" Ma Mado asked as soon as she entered the house.
She explained everything that had happened.
"Lets thank God they brought you home. We don't have to cross paths," her mother said.
They are probably the family that live in the large glass complex.


The next morning, she ran into Mr. Jo the caretaker when she stepped out to empty the thrash can.
"Oh Marlise! Did you know the landlady came home yesterday night? Doctor Kamara is here!" He said excited.
"Really? Where's her apartment?" She asked
He pointed to the glass complex.
Noway! She wanted to scream. She hurried home to her mother.

"Mama! Mama!""What is it?""You won't believe the people who moved in yesterday!" She cried

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"Mama! Mama!"
"What is it?"
"You won't believe the people who moved in yesterday!" She cried.
"The rude and snobbish people?" Mado asked.
"Its Doctor Kamara! The same cardiologist we've been waiting for! She's the landlady!" She said while dancing around.
"Rude, snobbish or whatever they are. I don't care. Let's go and see her," Ma Mado said.


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