Chapter 31: Life and Death

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She jumped up from the couch when she heard the door open. She had intentionally fallen asleep on Doctor Kamara's couch as her mother had suggested. It was the only way she could see the woman. It was after 11pm. The doctor's footsteps got closer and she prepared herself for what was to come as the driver who didn't like her, walked behind holding her suitcase

"Good evening ma," she greeted startling the woman who had not yet seen her.

"Marlise!" she exclaimed.

"What are you doing here. Madam, if she's bothering you, I can kick her out," he said.
Doctor Kamara raised her flat palm in the air, indicating that he should stop.

"I'm sorry ma, I know you're very busy. I just wanted to plead my case with you," Marlise said, trembling.

"I'm not a lawyer dear. If you have an issue with the house..." she said.

"You're a cardiac surgeon and my daughter needs your help," Marlise said. She has a hole in her heart and needs surgery urgently," she said. Doctor Kamara's mouth formed and O' shape in surprise. Even the driver was taken aback.
"Meet me tomorrow at 6 am so we go to the clinic and talk further," Doctor Kamara said.


As she waited in Doctor Kamara's office, her eyes went to the lone photo of her on her desk.

"ga!" Viva said, trying to grab the photo.

"Don't touch and that's not granma, granma is home," Marlise laughed at her ten-month-old's first words.

The door opened and Doctor Kamara walked.
"Ga!" Viva said again as soon as she saw the doctor. The woman's face lit into a smile.

"Hi lil' Vee!," she said causing the child to

A man followed behind her, carrying a large brown envelope. Doctor Kamara introduced him as Doctor Diamante

"Him and his team will carry out the surgery on your daughter. I have been mentoring them for years and I trust them," she said.

"No ma please, you have to be there. I have waited for you for long please," Marlise begged, her voice rising.

"I am fully booked this month dear, I'm not available but Doctor Di and his team have been working with me for years in the US," Doctor Kamara explained in between Marlise's sobs.

"I know you have ministers and presidents to attend to but please ma," she continued to plead.

"This is a minor issue, ma'am, we can handle it," the young doctor tried to assure her.

Marlise shook her head, doubting his experience as he looked like he was in his late twenties in spite of his huge built.

Doctor Kamara took off her glasses, closed her eyes and pinched the space between her eyes. She remained in deep thought for a few seconds and looked up

"Doctor Di, check my calendar, what free day am I free this week?" she asked. He opened the Tablet he was holding and started swiping.

"You're free tomorrow, Doctor Kay,"


"Levi slow down, you'll get us killed before we reach the hospital," Cherish scolded as Levi drove like a madman through Yaounde's jungle roads.

"What kind of short notice is this? how can she just call me that my daughter will go in for surgery a day before?" Levi said angrily. He gripped the steering so hard his snuckles hurt. If he wasn't doing that, he was blasting the horn and sending his head out of the window to yell at other drivers. They had come upon 8am thick rush hour traffic.

"Rubbish! The surgery is 10am and it seems I won't be able to see her before she's taken in. I blame Marlise! I'm the child's father for crying out loud! I should be the one to make the decision for her surgery," he shouted.

"Oh come off it! are you God to decide the time? My sister found an opportunity and took it and you want to blame her?" Cherish shouted.


Marlise sat on a bench in the waiting area, staring at her phone. She sniffed quietly as she swiped from one picture of Viva to another. Ma Mado sat beside her, her arms wrapped around her.

"Mama, what if I never get to hold her again?" she said, her eyes glued to the smiling face of her baby and a tear running down her eyes.

"You will hold her and celebrate many birthdays," Ma Mado assured her.

Anxious footsteps approached.
"Marlise, where is she?" she looked up to see Cherish and Levi's anxious faces.

"They took her in ten minutes ago," Ma Mado said.

"Why couldn't they wait?" Levi shouted.

"Please just sit down and don't annoy me!" Cherish's fear was manifesting in anger. She sat beside her sister and put her other arm over her.


"We're sorry. she didn't make it," Doctor Kamara said.

"No! She can't die!" Marlise screamed.

Wait, she didn't make it?

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