~narrator pov~
jungwon walked into the office alongside his bodyguard.
"mr yang, you're here!" a voice exclaimed.
"mr min, just get it over and done with. i don't have time for your remarks"
the old man was taken aback at jungwons stern facial expression and cold aura. why did his daughter have to want him out of everyone in the world?
"well, as you may know my daughter jiah is a very close friend to heeseung- one of your mafia partners. im sure you've met her by now?"
jungwon nodded knowing what was coming next.
"well, i was wondering for the sake of both of our associations, you and jiah get married"
jungwon smiled a little before walking towards min.
"and why would i do that?"
"w-well you know, my daughter and your marriage would be beneficial for both-"
"if you didn't know already, im already in a relationship and im sure your daughter knows that too. so please don't mention unnecessary things or even waste my time."
jungwon walked out of the office enraged.
"DAD WHY DID YOU STUTTER! aish now im gonna look so lame to him" jiah said as she walked out from a pillar behind with her arms crossed.
"DAD! you obviously never experienced true love so don't question or try ruin mine. WHY CANT YOU JUST BE A BETTER DAD FOR ONCE?!" she stormed out of the room leaving her father with nothing but guilt.
"yang jungwon, im going to make you marry my daughter no matter what..."
hi- ik this is an EXTREMELY short chapter and its not fair because its been so long since my last upload, but ive been REALLY stuck with this story, wanting to give it up. this is a prompt for me and you guys too, and im going to try upload a longer, more interesting chapter within the next few days. im so so so sorry and im really grateful for the number of reads i have on this story. tysm for the comments, i love reading them and seeing all of your views. please do stay for the next few chapters because im really trying now!!! love you all and hope your all okay and safe!!!!