Chapter 3 Adam James Ruzek

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"Fuck you and fuck this place!" I hated coming to this stupid gym, why my mother was being such a bitch about it I will never know.

Sure, the golden boy Sean loved this place and felt the need to open his fucking mouth now I have to spend my afternoons here. It's not like I can box or anything, stupid golden boy and his gun, left me with one kidney. Now, I'm stuck cleaning up after all these cops.

They don't think I can hear them as they walk by, always pointing at me and saying 'look at Ruzek's kid, what a shame, huh', and those are the cops I don't really know. Its worse when Antonio or Jay come in, those times I wish I could disappear.

Shit, I hear the bells signaling the front door is open, I hear that distinct whistle. I don't even need to turn around to know its my Uncle Al, he may be the only person angrier about my dad dying than me.

"Hey Uncle Al"

"Kid, your mom's worried about you" for whatever reason, when he talks I tend to listen. It's not like Uncle Jay or Sean, I guess it's because I know he's pissed still he doesn't tell me I need to stop being angry. He just lets me be.

"What else is new. It wasn't even that big of deal, that kid was just running his mouth. I just shut it for him"

"You can't go around punching people, Adam. You're going to end up hitting the wrong person one day"

Why couldn't these assholes put their own nasty towels in the hamper, I hated touching their sweat "please, I'm the poor kid of a dead cop. No one stays mad at me long"

"Seriously Adam, you need to take it down a notch"

I can't believe it "uncle Al, you're the only one who gets it. Why are you taking mom's side?"

"I'm not taking sides Adam, I just don't want you to toss your life away. Your dad would be pissed with me if I just stood by and watched you self destruct"

"Whatever, I have to go" he was another fucking sellout.

"Adam, I'm serious"

It was hard not to laugh, his sorry ass was back living in his garage again, once he got his shit together maybe I would listen to what he had to say.

"Can I leave, Brian?"

"Yea, sure Adam. Thanks"

That guy, Brian Davis, he isn't too bad. Probably because he transferred in a few weeks after dad died, I can't see pity in his eyes. My only issue is he's always asking about mom, he's barking up the wrong tree with her. Her life is centered around Liam and Dani now, and me, if I would let her.

I grab a cigarette out of the pack, lighting it as I walk yet another reason for the golden boy to try and be my 'daddy' I barely take my third drag when I hear his voice.

"Adam, what the hell man?" he is such a prick lately, his ego seriously inflated since he joined intelligence, he's riding with Uncle Kevin, lucky me now I get to hear it from both of them.

"What? You've never seen a cigarette?"

"Drop it"

"Fuck off Goldie" I can see him roll his eyes, he hates when I call him that.

"Come on A-Dawg, drop the cigarette, they ain't good for you" poor Uncle Kevin trying to be cool.

"A-Dawg who the hell says that"

They park the car, just wonderful.

Sean snatches the cigarette from my hand and the pack from my back pocket "get in the car, we can take you home"

"Not necessary Uncle Kevin" I'd rather walk, I'm not in the mood for another lecture.

"Adam, in the car" there he goes again.

I stop and turn around to face him, "just go back to work Sean, you aren't my fucking father"

I can hear him whispering to Kevin, obviously Kevin talked him in to letting me walk home, the car pulling away.

It takes me about ten minutes to get home, and I have to laugh golden boy and Uncle Kevin are at the house waiting for me. Mom must be beside herself, she may actually have to speak to someone older than 15 years old.

Liam is in the driveway attempting to play hockey, he's the only one I can tolerate sure he's a little weird but for an 11 year old he isn't too bad, plus he doesn't care if I talk or not he's cool with silence.

I brace myself for the tongue lashing I know is coming, Golden Boy has run his mouth I'm sure.

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