Chapter 8 Al Olinsky

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How the hell did I end up in this fucking garage again, I can't help but wonder if I've ruined it for good this time.

The calendar reads four years later but it still feel like yesterday, I can still see him walking in to that building. We now know it was an ambush, I remember telling him that he should be wearing a vest, his reply was that shit eating grin he wore so often,telling me he would be fine.

"Damn it" I scream, and kick over the boxes stacked in the corner, I will never forgive myself for not pulling rank and insisting he wear it.

The day of his funeral was the day, I lost everything.

The image of his kids sitting in that pew, little Adam clutching Adam's dress blues hat, Dani's big brown eyes had never looked so sad. Poor Liam, I don't think that kid really knew what was going on, Sean sat holding Kim, that kid had been through so much in his young life.

Kim was a mess, she had just kicked Hank out of the church, if only she knew he wasn't the one to blame, that it was all my fault. I let him walk in that building, I was the one who gathered the Intel for that case. How the fuck, did I miss that Lou Divisconti was involved? I'll take that to my grave.

Ever since that day all I have done is fuck everything up, my marriage, my relationship with Lexi, it's all shot to shit.

I haven't been to Kim's house since the night Adam was killed, having to look her in the eyes and tell her that her husband was dead was the hardest thing I've ever done.

Everyone from Meredith to Jay, has tried to tell me it wasn't my fault but I know better. Sleep is hard to come by, Adam is always in my dreams. I can see him walking into the building, he looks back over his shoulder at me and smiles, I wake up covered in sweat.

I pull another beer from the fridge and down it, once the alcohol takes over I know I will be numb, sadly it never lasts.


I know these chapters aren't fun to read it, but I felt like I cheated you guys out on how they all reacted to 'Adam's' death, so here you go. Just a few more of these depressing chapters and then some good stuff, hopefully.

As always, thanks for reading!


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