Chapter 22

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Brian couldn't help but be nervous as he waited at the restaurant for Kim to arrive, he swear the entire 21st District had threatened to kick his ass if he hurt Kim, everyone from Platt to the Halsteads and Dawson.

He spotted Jen and Derek coming up the sidewalk, "hey guys" he called out shaking Derek's hand and hugging Jen, "how's Emma?"

"She's good, she's with Kim's mom" Jen was surprised Elaine had offered to keep Emma, "she loves to hang out with Dani"

"Don't look so worried Davis, she's gonna show up" Derek teased him, "let's go grab a drink from the bar, you want one babe?"

"Yes please, you know what I like" she winked at him.

"You know it"

Kim sat in the car a few minutes after having found a parking spot, she checked herself in the mirror one last time. She had stopped off at the cemetery after leaving her house, she was feeling guilty her parents telling her that this was what Adam would have wanted for her to be happy again.

After visiting his grave she felt a bit better, Sean had spoken highly of Brian and he said that Adam would have approved. Even, Trudy called her singing his praises which she knew was huge that Brian Davis was close to sainthood for Trudy Platt to sing his praises.

Even Jen had told her that it was okay, and she felt so guilty once she started dating Derek but she knew deep down in her heart that Sean would want her to move on and to be happy.

Finally she made her way towards the restaurant, "Hi Jen" she said softly, "where are the guys?"

Jen pointed over her shoulder, "the bar, are you okay? You look really nervous"

Kim shrugged her shoulders, "I feel like I'm betraying Adam, it's silly I know but it's the truth. That goes away, right?" She really wanted to have fun and to enjoy herself the guilt was eating at her.

Jen patted her arm, "it does, it takes some time but it does. I know it's hard at first but just remember it's just a date, Adam would want you to be happy. Brian may not be the one to do that, but you deserve to have fun again Kim"

"Our table is ready, babe" Derek said as he hooked him arm around Jen "how are you Kim?"

Brian joined them "wow, Kim" he smiled "you look amazing" he leaned in and kissed her cheek, "you doing okay?"

"Thanks" She smiled, "I'm good how are you doing?"

"I'm well thanks"

They settled at the table, as the evening progressed it was apparent the nervousness Kim was feeling slowly lifted.

"Wow, you realize it's after midnight?" Derek announced when he checked his watch, "must mean it's been a good night" he winked at Jen.

They watched as Kim and Brian talked almost oblivious to their presence at the table "Derek, I think they hit it off" Jen whispered into his ear.

"It appears they have" Derek was thrilled for his friend, Brian's fiancé had left him left him at the alter a few years ago leaving him gun shy when it came to women and dating.

After they settled the checks, Brian approached Kim, "can I walk you to your car?" He asked softly, he didn't want to push it but he didn't want the night to end.

Kim thought for a minute, "I'd like that" she smiled as he draped her cardigan over her shoulders, "just call me when you want to pick Emma up tomorrow" she told Jen.

"I had a great time Kim" Brian told her when they arrived at her car, "a really great time" he smiled.

"Me too" she told him, "I laughed a lot, it's nice to laugh again" her voice softened.

"I would love to do this again. Maybe just us next time, yeah?" He was hoping he wasn't putting to much pressure on her.

"Yes, I think that would be nice" she smiled, "I hope Sean wasn't too hard on you" Sean had mentioned that he spoke with Brian when he had stopped at the house earlier.

Brian laughed, "Nah, Sean was good, he's just looking out for his mother. Trudy Platt is the one that has put the fear of God in me" he laughed, he wanted to kiss her in the worst way but held back, he opened the car door for her, "I will give you a call" he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

She hugged him, "Thank you Brian, I had a great time" she sat in the driver seat and he closed the door. After starting the car she rolled her window down, "don't worry about Trudy she isn't as tough as she wants everyone to think" she smiled at him again.

"I will have to take your word for it, drive safe" he told her and watched as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Kim was surprised to see her mom still up when she got home, "did you really wait up for me?"

Elaine nodded, " I did, the kids are all sleeping, did you have a good time?" She was hopeful, she needed to see her daughter happy again.

Kim smiled, a smile that spread from ear to ear "I did, for first time in years I really laughed mom, like I used to do before I lost Adam" she could feel her eyes moisten, "it gives me hope, that I can be happy again"

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