O6 | envy

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I FLUTTERED MY EYES OPEN, scanning the surroundings

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I FLUTTERED MY EYES OPEN, scanning the surroundings. I was in a room with white walls.

The hospital.

My hands went to my neck, feeling the support wrapped around my neck. Sejanus stood up, sitting on the empty space of the bed. His eyes flooded with tears. "I'm sorry, Vivy. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I thought–" His voice broke. I wanted to tell him that it's okay, that I'm here now but I couldn't. I couldn't speak. My throat was numb. I could hardly feel it. "I thought you were gone– I'm sorry."

"I'm not leaving you, Sej." My voice was insanely hoarse. Immediately regretting my decisions when I felt the stinging pain in my throat.

"Don't talk, Vivy. You're hurting yourself." Said Sejanus, he choked on his tears. His voice was soft and full of worry. Sometimes I wonder how I deserve such a brother like him. He was too kind for this world.

Sejanus aggressively wiped away his tears as the door opened, revealing the person I despised the most.

"You're awake." Coriolanus said, a hint of relief in his voice. "Doctors said your voice box is injured, but it'll fully recover in a week or two." I didn't know what to reply so I just gave him a nod.

His presence was unexpected. He never cared for me before so why was he caring now? Coming to think of it, I didn't actually hate him but I didn't like him either. I tolerate him.

I tilted my head towards Coriolanus, who was sitting on the visitor's chair. Of course Sejanus understood what I was alluding to. "He went crazy after Arachne's death. He also kept asking about you, insisting on visiting. He skipped classes to see you, which I must say is not something you would see Coryo doing on a daily basis." He whispered.

Our gazes went to the boy on the chair, his eyes were shut and light snores were heard. I turned to see Sejanus chuckling before he went to Coriolanus. He flinched slightly as Sejanus tapped his shoulder. "You should go home, Coryo. I'll take care of Vivy."

Coriolanus looked at me and back at Sejanus, nodding. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sej." He said before walking out the door.

Sejanus stared at the door as it closed, grinning from ear to ear. "I don't get why he suddenly cares about me." He seemed to be disturbed from his thoughts when I spoke.

"I have no idea, Vivy. I have no idea."


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anagapesis | coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now