bonus | cycles

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i would like to thank every single one of you for even clicking on this story to read. you don't know how much it means to me really. i noticed some mistakes here and there but i hope y'all can just ignore them HAHA. i'm not the kind to read over my works and fix them. i treat my books as a diary, to write what i feel and what i wish to feel.

oh, and your comments! i love your comments so much! i try my best to reply to every single one of them. you guys are what drives me want to write again.

i've given up writing for these past months, hence the hiatus and the uncompleted books. my mental health was anything but good. not that it's getting better but i'm starting to get back to writing.

before i yap any more nonsense, i hope you enjoy what's coming!

TW: includes postpartum depression, child neglect and abuse and hallucinations.

if these topics may trigger you, please stop here.

if these topics may trigger you, please stop here

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THINGS WORK IN CYCLES. I sure am convinced by it.

Coming to consciousness, I caught myself hearing cries as well as wails from the room next door. So without thinking any further, I brought myself to my feet and went to where the sound was sourced. My hand twisted the doorknob once, then twice. Confusion hit me as I realized that it was locked. Why would I lock my child in a room without any food?

The cries grew louder when I unlocked the door, revealing a small Ellie on the floor, hugging her bruised knees.

"Oh my, who did this to you, love?" I panicked, checking for more bruises on her arms and back. The small girl's glassy eyes looked at me blankly.

No answer.

"Do you want me to get you some food?"

She nodded, so I picked the five year old girl up and went to the backside of the cottage, where the kitchen was.

She nodded, so I picked the five year old girl up and went to the backside of the cottage, where the kitchen was

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