2O | downfall

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I WAS OUT OF BREATH. I was panting. Skin drenched with sweat. A figure sat up beside me. It was dark and my vision was anything but clear. "Sejanus? Please tell me it's you." My eyes were blinded by tears. I can hardly see anything.

"No, my dove." He whispered, his thumb gently wiped the tears running down my cheek. "It's Coryo, love. Sejanus isn't here."

"Where's Sejanus?" I was half awake. My mind was simply a blur. Thoughts and memories colliding with each other, incapable of distinguishing the differences. Coriolanus had turned on the light and I could finally make out his features. His tangled blond curls and the worry displayed on his ocean blue eyes. His eyes were similar to mine, shimmering with tears that threatened to fall.

He tangled his hands in my light hair and rested my forehead on his bare chest. Drops of tears landed on my hair. "I'm sorry, dove."

This wasn't a dream.

This was real.

This is reality.

There's nothing that I could do.

Sejanus couldn't be brought back.

I caught my mind convincing myself that none of it was a nightmare. "It's real. He's gone." I accepted. He was dead, for almost a week now.

Coriolanus held me like a helpless girl that I am. We stayed like this for a moment. Him and I leaning against each other. It wasn't a big distraction from what was on my mind, but it was certainly something.

A hand then crept under my shirt, rubbing my stomach. His warm skin brushing against mine. Muffled chuckles were heard against my neck. "The Avoxes sure did an excellent job with the food, like they always do."

My head snapped towards him. My hand pushing him backwards. "Did you just call me fat?" I questioned, not believing the words I heard coming out of his mouth. He called me fat when I was literally carrying the child that he gave me. The burden that he caused. I spent horrible mornings alone throwing all the food I consumed just for him to call me fat?

"No! No, dove! I was just surprised!" He raised his hand in defence. He did in fact call me fat and he didn't deny it.

But then again, how could I blame him? He didn't know about the pregnancy and his words weren't entirely wrong. I did gain some weight.

"I'm pregnant."

His brows furrowed together, his body backed slightly. If everything was making sense right now, I would say that he was disgusted. He buried his face in his hands while I just stared at him.

"Are you mad?" My voice barely came out. I was stupid to say it but I did. My mind wasn't in the best state. I wasn't in control of my actions.

I sat there, patiently waiting for an answer. He let out a heavy sigh and smiled, but something about it seemed off. I wasn't sure what it was though.

anagapesis | coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now