A Glimmer aof Hope

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I couldn't take it, as soon as the conversation was over I kamuied myself back to Obito's room and held myself

A weapon. I was nothing but a weapon to them. They killed my parents for no reason

"Kashi". He spoke softly as he held me from behind. "It hurts". I sobbed. "I know but the pain your feeling right now is only temporary. We will make all of this right. The Hidden Leaf will pay for what they've done". "We have to get Naruto back". I turned around crying in his chest.

"And we will". He kissed my head. "I promise you we will".


It was freezing inside my cell as I tried my best to get some sleep. Since being here Mui has done nothing but try to keep me as busy as he possibly can. If I'm not in the lab I'm being forced to clean. I have no choice but to do as he says, if I don't I run the risk of those men coming into my cell at night.

I didn't see it happen but I heard it. An inmate had done something wrong and one of the guards came to his cell to teach him a lesson. He screamed and cried the entire night without the man stopping once.

I didn't want that to happen to me. I didn't want them to violate me more than they already had. I wanted to still be able to feel a little bit like myself.

You will always be Naruto, no one can ever take that away from you

I need a distraction

Wanna hear about your brother?

My brother?

Deidara Namakazie Uzumaki. He's dating one of Sasuke's older brothers

I was about to say something but was interrupted by a voice. "Pst, are you there"? I sat up looking at the bars confused. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. "Who are you"? "Me, I'm a nobody just a little nobody. Listen, do you wanna know how to escape"?

"Huh? You know how"? I stood up. "Kay I'm listening go on". "Defeat Mui in combat and that jutsu will disappear".

"Why are you telling me this? What do you get out of it"? There was no longer a response. Whoever that person was had disappeared

A duel huh?

I'll try to leaned you as much chakra as I can

We were let out into the yard during the afternoon. Everywhere I looked there were inmates chatting away, sitting alone or standing. There's only one person I was concerned with at the moment, however. I searched and searched until I finally saw him walking through the crowd.

"Hey"! I yelled as I ran up to him determined. "Yes nine tails, what is it"? "I'm out of here you hear me! I'm not going to continue letting you keep me here for a crime I didn't commit! I don't care what my Hokage or you think, I'm innocent"!

He walked over. "You are one of my dogs now you disgusting, distasteful-tailed beast. You no longer have a home or free will. Your only duty is to do as I tell you and behave accordingly".

"I heard if I take you down the celestial prison jutsu will be broken. I'm not nuts about fighting you but if it's the only way then so be it".

"I'd reconsider if I were you. In your present condition, you wouldn't stand a chance". I glared at him. "Won't know unless I try right"!? I charged him. I went for a punch but he managed to step to the side and kick me in the stomach.

"Tell me? What does your village mean to you"? I glared at him again. "Nothing, those bastards turned their back on me despite everything I've done to help them. I had a friend that left when we were younger and I now realize I should've left with him.

They're all parasites! They hate people who are different from them and are quick to judge after the tiniest mistake. I didn't choose to become a jinjuriki it was something that was done to me but I don't regret it. Kurama is one of the only true friends I have".

Using the little bit of chakra Kurama was giving me I jumped up in the air but was thrown back to the ground by a kick.

He's not even using his jutsu on us

I'm sorry

"Have you ever murdered innocent men, women, and children all in the name of protecting your village"?

This bastard

"I would never kill anyone that's innocent, I don't care if it's an order or not". I stood up and came at him again but fell on my knees panting. My chest was heavy and throat tight.


"Your finding it hard to breathe, aren't you? Your thinking this can't be happening and your thinking how you've sustained so much damage from so little effort. When you fight your chakra becomes active. Even the smallest amount of chakra will cause the celestial prison to react and burn".

I can't move. Everything starting to get hazy

"Eventually you will understand you no longer matter to anyone. Everyone has abandoned you, even that childhood friend you talked about".

That's not true. Sasuke will come for me. He'll find out what happened and come and get me.

"Take him to solitary". Guards came and dragged me away. Little did I know someone was watching.

Word Count: 915

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