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The courtyard buzzed with chatter as Gift settled into his spot, the excitement of new beginnings pulsing through his veins. Despite the throng of students around his, he couldn't shake off the nagging thought about the fate of the dance club.

Pie, his childhood friend and fellow dancer, sat beside him, his presence a comforting reminder of shared memories and unspoken camaraderie. As they bantered back and forth, Gift's mind drifted back to the dance club dilemma.

"Pie, do you know anything about a dance club here?" Gift whispered, his voice tinged with concern.

Pie furrowed his brow, the memory seemingly distant yet accessible. "Yeah, there was one, but I haven't heard much about it lately. Why? Are you planning to join?"

Gift nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I need to find out more about it. Dance is my passion, Pie. I can't imagine college without it."

Pie offered a supportive nod, understanding the depth of Gift's dedication to dance. "I'll help you look into it. We'll figure something out, okay?"

Gift flashed a grateful smile before the orientation session commenced, temporarily pushing aside his worries to focus on the welcoming speeches and campus tours.

"Good morning freshman! Hope you had a good night sleep. I'm Meen, third year from the Medicine Faculty. I'll be the one to guide you over this one week of orientation." All the freshman return with greetings.

P'Meen went on to introduce the other seniors that will be guiding us during this orientation. "Together with me, I have Teena, second year Dentistry Faculty whom you have met during the registration. Den, second year from Dentistry Faculty, Joe, third year from Medicine Faculty and Pluen, third year from Dentistry Faculty. In fact, we still have one more senior with us from second year Dentistry Faculty who are not able join us these 2 days due to some personal matters."

As the orientation kicked off, Gift found himself caught up in a whirlwind of icebreakers and introductions. He exchanged smiles and handshakes with his fellow freshmen, each interaction adding a new thread to the vibrant tapestry of his college experience.

Under the guidance of Meen and the other senior students, Gift and his peers embarked on a tour of the campus, taking in the sprawling grounds and impressive facilities. From the state-of-the-art laboratories to the cozy study nooks tucked away in the library, Gift felt a sense of awe at the endless possibilities that lay before him.

But it was the visit to the club house that truly ignited Gift's curiosity. As he stepped into the bustling hub of student activity, his eyes scanned the notice boards adorned with colorful posters advertising various clubs and organizations.

"Wow, there's so much going on here," Gift remarked, his voice filled with wonder.

Pie nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with excitement. "Yeah, I heard there's something for everyone. We just need to find the right fit."

Together, Gift and Pie explored the various club stalls, chatting with enthusiastic members and learning about the diverse range of activities on offer. From sports teams to academic societies, there seemed to be a club for every interest imaginable.

But as Gift scanned the rows of stalls, his heart sank at the realization that there was no sign of a dance club. Despite his best efforts to remain optimistic, a flicker of doubt crept into his mind.

"Hey, don't lose hope," Pie said, sensing Gift's disappointment. "We'll keep looking. And who knows, maybe we'll even find something better along the way."

Gift nodded, grateful for Pie's unwavering support. With renewed determination, he set out to explore every corner of the club house, determined to uncover the hidden gems that awaited him at college. And as he navigated the maze of possibilities that lay before him, Gift couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him, eager to seize the opportunities that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.

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