♡Chapter two♡

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When I am at breakfast this morning, I sit down next to Pomni, and try my best at flirting. "So, new stuff," I say, grinning. I lean in closer but she doesn't notice. "How was your first day?"
After a few seconds she finally looks up. "Huh..? Sorry, I was daydreaming. But it was meh." She goes back to munching on pancakes and then she looks at me again. "You're Jax, right?"
I grin, happy that she remembered my name. "The one and only." I take a bite of the pancake that kind of tastes like cardboard, and decide to make my shot. "I noticed you've been talking about the exit a lot.."
"What, are you gonna tell on me and say I was trying to sneak out?" She laughs a little, and messes with her hat.
"No, to be honest... I've been looking for a key to the exit. Remember yesterday when I said I had keys to everywhere?"
"I guess."
"Yeah, I've collected all the the keys to find the one."
She looks excited for some reason. "Have you found it?" She grabs me by the shoulders, and I have to bend down a little, even while we're sitting. I'm glad my fur is purple, otherwise I would be blushing so much I'd look like a tomato right now.
"No but... I was wondering if you wanted to help me. You know. To find it. Just come to my room later, okay?"I smile a bit and stand up.
Side note: im scared I'm making Jax too nice around pomni. maybe let's just pretend he has such a big crush on her that he's nice around her..???? OH ALSO JAX IS BI
"I don't know where your room is." She looks so cute I just want to like... ARGHHH.
      "It's right across from mine, dummy." I walk back to my room and manage to mumble a bye. I just need to organize all the keys before she gets here.
Eeeeee first time skip lol
   When she knocks at my door I open it, with a huge grin plastered on my face. "Hi." I freeze up for a second, getting nervous for no reason. "Um.. Come in."
     She walks in and her eyes widen at the sight of thousands of keys. "Damn. I thought you meant like, maybe fifty keys but.."
     "Is it creepy? Caine hasn't found out about these, thanks God, he would've taken them all away."
     "No, no, just... wow."She stares at all the keys, then at me. "How'd you even get all of these?"
     I grin and bend over so my face is only a foot away from hers. "I have my ways." Her face looks a little red so I stand back up.

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