✿chapter four✿

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I'm useless.

Every time I try to help something goes wrong. Someone ends up abstracting or hating me.
Like today.
I found the exit. There's a trap door below my room that leads to it. I was halfway there when fucking Caine finds out because of his stupid wacky watch.
And I think Pomni's mad at me. We sort of got into a fight. Fuck.
"Hey, um.. Do you ever wonder what will happen if we find the exit and never see each other again?" I said, nervous.
"Well.. It's not like we're friends." She looked up at me, and grabbed one of my ears and stroked it.
"This is all a dream, remember? So I shouldn't make any imaginary friends." She looked down, and touched one of the keys sitting on the floor*
"You still think it's a dream?Face it. You're not leaving."
"Why do you even care about that?!" She stood up, and crossed her arms.
"I don't care about it, I care about YOU." I stand up too, getting closer.
"What are you even saying, dumbass?!" She glares at me, and I think I start crying.
"I'M SAYING I LIKE YOU!" I fucking regret saying that, cause now she'll never look at me the same.
Then she runs off. Like, actually runs.
Why did I do that?
I'm a fucking idiot.

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