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Today again a day has passed in vain, I am completely tired, now even my patience is ready to give up.

My body is filled with fear, what will uncle and aunt do with me now, his wife had given me the last chance.

Wearing a white shirt, blue pants and black shoes with a black bag hanging on my shoulder, I stepped into my uncle's house nervously.

My steps had just reached the living room when my aunt's ear-splitting voice paralyzed my body.

"Taehyung? son? Where are you going like thieves?" I hate this witch very much but what should I do, it is my compulsion that I am bearing her.

Well I was really acting like a thief, I seriously want to stay hidden from the eyes of all the members of the house.

Turning to the right I saw my aunt, walking from some distance she stood right in front of me. "Aunty, I was going into the room, what happened, is there any work?"

"What happened to the job, hm baby? did you get the job?" These are such wretched words that are capable of setting my body on fire.

"No, but I will definitely get a job within this month, I assure you." I politely explained to her and upon hearing what I said, she raised her eyebrows angrily.

"It's been two years since I heard this continuously but you haven't got the job till date." Expressions of anger began to emerge in her voice. "I think you will not be able to get a job in this life, probably because you are not even trying. After all, you are getting everything without any effort, so you want to enjoy it without any hard work."

"It is not so aunty, I really tried hard but the company wanted someone experienced and I am a fresher." Her piercing voice makes me want to cry but I can't cry in front of her, after all I am a boy. I will go alone and cry.

"Why don't you just join your uncle's work? If you can't find a job somewhere else." Aunty doesn't know but my uncle does illegal work and I can't do that, my conscience doesn't allow me to do this.

"My qualifications are different and his work is different." He says he is a highway construction contractor but it is all a show and he does very disgusting work.

"You have degrees in Accounts, right?" Oh God, why would she become a detective if she loves spying so much?

"Hm." With my face down I replied yes by nodding my head.

"So accounts exist in every profession, right?" She asked me, placing her hand on her chest, she is always sarcastic at me.

"All vacancies are filled, no seats are vacant." I replied but now I will definitely have to hear something bad. Her expressions are very angry, today she will definitely resolve the matter.

"I don't want to listen your ifs and buts anymore. You have one month's time, find a place to live, we can no longer bear your expenses." She scolded me and said. She walked away, turning my body blue.

She has such a big house, but she is so cruel towards me.

There are countless empty rooms in this house but this evil woman has a problem in giving me one room. She has problems with me as if I don't live in the room but live on her chest.

I ran away to my room crying.


Avoiding everyone like a thief, I entered uncle's room hiding a flat bag in my hand with the intention of keeping the clothes I wore for the job interview in my uncle's closet, because they were my uncle's clothes.

I couldn't find my shirt, so today I wore my uncle's. I should quickly put uncle's clothes back on and run away, otherwise if aunty finds out, she will scold me further.

While keeping the clothes in the cupboard, I found there was a lot of money in it, seeing which I started sighing.

'No, you shouldn't do this, it's wrong, too much.' The angel inside me explained to me.

'Next month you will have to leave this luxurious house and in one month you will not be able to earn money to pay the rent.' The evil inside me started to provoke me.

'God sitting in heaven is watching everything, he will punish you severely for this.' My inner angel said politely in a melodious voice.

'If you don't steal, in such low temperature you will have to sleep on the road, then no God will come to donate blankets.' I was about to leave the room when my inner evil instigator said to me.

These two will definitely send me to jail without being guilty of anything.

My eyes again fell on the thick bundle of crisp and fragrant notes, now the voices of both of them became blurred.

My hands started trembling but perhaps the devil was right, I opened the mouth of the bag and started filling the bundle of notes.

'yes you are doing absolutely right, you are a real human.' I heard the devil inside me cheering me on.

"where is my inner angel?" I asked. The bag is full and I even zipped it up.

'She was screaming a lot, so I am standing here with my little cock in her mouth, you do your work and get out of here quickly.' devil's laugh is very scary, I am also scared of his heart-wrenching laugh.

As soon as I turned around the air went out of my ass, FUCK GOD!

My uncle's daughter smiled at me, God did not see it but this lady-devil definitely saw it.

This girl has made many false complaints against me and got me beaten by her mother, I hate this bitch very much.

And now this dirty slut will also tell everything to her parents, whose live telecast she was watching silently till now.

"What were you doing oppa?" She moved forward a little and I clung to cupboard.

"I came to keep your father's clothes."

"Money was also being withdrawn, wasn't it?"

"Not like that." i tried unsuccessfully to be ignorant.

"I have recorded." She stood clinging to my chest and whispering in my ear.

My eyes brust out, It seems I will have to go to jail, my aunt is such a bad lady, she will definitely call the police.

"Don't be afraid, I won't tell anyone anything, you take all the money but you will have to do one thing in return." Smirking, She moans slowly over my mouth.

"What?" There is no other way left, the only solution is to obey her.

"There is very tight security on me, my boyfriend will come tonight, you have to help me escape with him." She said teasingly while caressing my cheeks lovingly.

"I hope you don't mind, right?" Our family does not like her boyfriend and now she has also decided to leave the house for him.

"But you are telling the truth, right? you won't betray me?" I'm afraid she'll trap me later so I asked putting my hands on my hips; If i touched her she will accuse me of molestation.

"Not at all, go hide the money and prepare to free me from this house." She patted my cheeks and left the room, I also followed her.


It's time for begging so Vote my friends, I will feel happy if you vote.

All writers get good votes but I have got so many silent readers that it is simply praiseworthy.

If you don't vote, you will see the author's big butt in your dreams.

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