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It's not just like that I will adopt Lari's daughter at Jimin's request. The thing is that Seokjin uncle asked me many times about the girl.

Angrily, I left the baby at Jimin's house but I had to bring her back being scared of Seokjin uncle.

And now look what i have done, I'm fuking stuck because Jimin knows the truth, he has threatened to tell Seokjin uncle that I want to get rid of the girl.

When I left the child in the dustbin, it was a different matter, I myself had made up my mind to commit suicide.

But even after cutting off my hand, even after losing a pot of blood, I was not destined to die, so I removed off the thought of dying again, it hurts a lot, I can't accept that death.

Everyone knows the girl is my child, except me and my idiot friend. I will not allow anyone to defame me or my deceased wife by speaking the truth.

It would be better for me to remain calm, but how can I throw that girl out of here, the sight of whom makes my anger skyrocket.

"It is very easy, go and take her out of the crib, open the window and throw her." I am talking to myself, lying alone in my room, when my inner devil appeared on my chest and started giving me solutions.

"It's not just about throwing her down from here, I want to leave her so far away that she will never be found." I told him.

Lari was my love but I will say not once but a million times 'I will not adopt her illegitimate child under any circumstances.'

"Taehyung, you've already done a lot of wrong, don't hurt that innocent girl any more." My poor inner angel has also come to teach me a lesson of kindness.

Her health is very bad, she can't breathe properly, now because I am slowly becoming a very sinful person. If this continues, after a few days she will die from my conscience.

"He won't raise someone else's dirty child, you understand pussybitch, poor Taehyung, anyway if she stays with him, he will never be able to forget Lari and move on." My inner devil announced his decision to both of us as if he is our leader.

"If I could do so, I would have strangled her by now, but I am incapable." He roared angrily, I don't know why he is so angry.

"First of all, her seal was already broken, after that she also turned out to be pregnant, my poor Taehyung got a second hand wife while the poor guy was completely virgin." I hit my face in shame, Oh God, what an embarrassing thing this devil is saying!

"It's all his fault, the girl wasn't after him, he was after the girl and she told all the truth yet Taehyung adopted her, it's all his fault." My inner Angel took the woman's side and clarified.

"Look at her taehyung, I knew that she was already on the side of girls, she showed her status by taking the girl's side that she is also a girl." he provoked me.

"See! We are boys and there is no place for girls here, you go away otherwise we will catch you and fuck you." He became furious and stood on my chest. He scared my angel by pointing his finger.

"get off my chest." I grumbled.

"Taehyung? You too?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"You bastard, you are standing on my chest wearing slippers." I asked him to look at his feet with a finger gesture.

He stood down without saying anything then my angel saw her feet who were standing on my shoulder. I didn't say anything to her because she was barefoot.

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