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"You go, my exam is very near so I have to study." Sitting next to me on her bed she removed my arm from her shoulder before fisting her skirt and said, I kept a distance and kept looking at her.

"You are not lying to me, right? And neither will you?" My eyes, looking at her soft face, want to enter her eyes which she is avoiding.

She shook her head slightly and said no. As clear as a mirror, with transparency, I can see and feel she is afraid.

"You have given my sister a place to hide?" My harsh voice had created shivers in her body, she was stunned that I knew everything.

By the way, I myself am surprised to see Seokjin uncle's daughter, I myself did not know she was alive and in captivity for so many years.

Only my lari died?GOD! you are so mean.

"You just said that you were truthful but look, your lie was immediately caught." I feel a little angry but I am helpless in front of Lari's daughter. Had it been anyone else by now, i would have torn his chest open with my rifle.

"You always lie to me about everything, right?" I lovingly cupped her cheeks in one of my hands, she was frightened.

"Look up, don't take your eyes off me." Following my order, her eyes looked up and met mine directly.

"You lied, girl." My grip tightened on her cheeks, she groaned in intense pain.

"I don't know how she is here, nor was I helping her, believe me father." She said to me as she grabbed my wrist, tried to free her cheeks.

"I saw you coming out of the bathroom." She tried to lie more but I reminded her.

"I was about to enter the bathroom but did not enter then you came and I came out. Trust me I didn't know there was someone in my bathroom." She again declared herself innocent which is not easy to believe.

"Everything is acceptable to me, but I will not tolerate your lies." I warned, moving my hands away from her cheeks."my baby! tell the truth now."

Many times in a row I asked her with love, but even after several attempts, she is still adamant she doesn't know How did my sister come into her bathroom.

I am sad even after Caring you, loving you so much, you turned out to be a liar, I left no stone unturned in raising you.

Despite knowing you were my wife's illegitimate child, I never tortured you. Still I have always considered you my own daughter.

Now I think Y/N!

You are lying about everything baby, you must have some boyfriend too.

"You haven't helped her, have you? You don't care if she dies in front of you." She choked on her throat hearing me.

Everything is clear my child yet you are not backing down from trying to prove that you are not wrong. It is becoming difficult for me to control you, it seems you will soon be out of my reach.

"do anything i don't care." She gave a firm answer which was impossible to accept, I can't kill Seokjin uncle's daughter like this.

I was just expecting the truth from you but you turned the tables.

Okay, something has to be done, it is very important to control you because your addiction has now taken over me.

Holding her hand, I walked towards the bathroom, taking out the Glock from my pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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