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Page 09

OH GOD! So many burdens on my head at once, exams have started and I have not studied properly this year. I was carefree the whole year now the exams are near I feel like crying.

I wish I had studied when I had the time to do so. Only a few days are left, there is no time left. Just please God somehow make me pass 12th this time, after that I will leave studies.

The most terrible thing is that not even a gap between every exam, so continuous exams every day, The examination secretary has committed a crime by not even giving a gap between the examinations. The examination commission is very cruel.

This exam commission may get cholera, I find this exam session the scariest thing. I don't like study at all. It would be great if I didn't have to study at all.

And it becomes more difficult for me to study when my father is sitting in front of me.

How can I even try to read? How do I keep an eye on my notebook? he is sitting in front of me and staring at me.

He is not very far from me, I am at the study table and he is sitting on the chair in front of me with his chin on his palms.

My father is a very idle man, he keeps roaming around me the whole day. It seems as if I am a criminal and have been kept under surveillance, this is how I feel looking at the environment around me.

I feel like asking why my father is so useless, but then he will scold me.

I looked up once to see is he still looking at me? oh God I took my eyes off him, still looking at me!

Father, you are a very useless and worthless man.

"What happened, maybe you are not able to concentrate on your studies anymore? maybe you are getting spoiled by going to school, hmm lari?" All the family members and my friends also call me y/n and in my school my name is like this, my father is the only one who calls me Lari.

"Father, you please leave the room, I will really study and not sleep." My father had seen me sleeping a little while ago, so now he sat in front of me so that I could study.

"Baby, what is the problem with you? I am not disturbing you, I am just sitting silently." He smiled slightly and said lovingly. How can I tell you that you are really disturbing me, you father, I am feeling strange because of your staring.

"You know I am missing your mother a lot, that is why I have come to you, I feel you understands me, I feel you understand my pain, how much I love her." Father, say something new, you say this every day, countless times a day, I am completely bored of hearing it.

"It is impossible to express in words how much peace my heart feels after seeing you. I sometimes forget that you are her daughter, not her." He said something which I am hearing for the first time, really, what did he say? her daughter? what does it mean?

"Her daughter? You mean, not yours?" We both looked into each other's eyes.

"Mine too!" He said with his eyes downcast, his nose wrinkled as if he was saying in a choked manner.

Many times I don't understand his actions, I don't know what his intentions are, he is my father but still he seems like a stranger in some cases.

"It seems you are getting worse, will I have to stay with you at night too?" Look at my father, how many restrictions he has imposed on me. If he starts staying in my room even at night, I will not be able to sleep even at night.

He never lets me lock the door of my room from inside, he has given a clear warning I can never close the room from inside. Many times I have felt as if he comes to my room many times at night and watches me.

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