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There is a strange dilemma, everything seems to be going away, I have lost the house, lari, everything.

I can't stop her from leaving, I miss that girl a lot. I'm sure her memories will also fade away with time.

Sometimes I feel like dying, but I am very lucky to have this life, I will not let it go like this.

To overcome the loneliness, I am getting ready and going to my friend, otherwise I will remain sad like this.

I am continuously giving job interviews and hope to get a job soon. I have already stolen the money from my uncle, so the tension of getting an apartment is also over.

Wearing a loose t-shirt and a shorts I'm walking down the street towards my friend's house. He lives a short distance from my uncle's house.

He was saying he wanted to tell me something important but he would tell me when I come to his house.

Although all his talks are useless, but I am also sad so I am going to divert my attention from lari my dream girlfriend. In my mind I had accepted her as my girlfriend. It's so fuking stupid.

I want to cry less, so I have to find a solution. One thing is clear a friend always proves helpful in reducing such sorrow.

Talking to myself I came in front of his house without even realizing it. I really waste a lot of time just thinking.

After ringing the doorbell, I stood at the corner and waited for him to open the door.

I looked at my phone, he is taking a lot of time to come.

"so beautiful!" I tried to peek through the window like a thief, it looks like there is something new in his house, maybe the interior has changed.

The door opened and I quickly stood in front.

"Hey! how are you taehyung?You have been missing for many days, don't know where you are lost." My friend was about to jump on my lap but I held back.

"Talk from a distance, fukin jimin, the world has become very bad anyway, it doesn't care about anyone's gender." I sigh, I pushed him aside walking inside, he also closed the door and followed me.

"Don't be too straightforward, you shake my cock and lick my ass every day, don't forget." Bastard, started lying like every time, I don't know what fun he gets in teasing me like this. I sat on the sofa silently without giving any reply.

"You have got a new interior made, it looks very nice." I admired his house, looking around and observing the interior carefully.

"Yes, I changed it myself last night." My eyes stopped at the face of my friend who was smiling innocently.

"Wow! Changed! yourself?" I clapped for him, after all looking at the interior of his house it doesn't look like it was done by a novice.

"Yes my entire interior was spoiled with blood stains." He said something that gives me goosebumps.

Surely he has created some scandal, many cases are already registered against him and my uncle advises me to stay away from him many times. My unlicensed revolver was also gifted by him.

"Period stains taehyung, don't make that nervous face." Seeing my frightened face, he tried to explain to me, definitely i got scared after hearing such a thing.

"Do you also get periods? Are you roaming around hiding a pussy in your pants?" He changed the matter but forgot that he had penis in his pants, and penises do not menstruate.

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