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"Umh!" I moaned softly inside my mouth with closed lips, feeling the touch of her soft little palm on my thighs.

"Don't you really like this feeling, don't you want me to love you like this every morning?" She said softly in a low melodious voice sitting next to me in a netted dress, lying on the bed I am carefully collecting her every cute act in my mind in the form of memories.

"These beautiful thick lips of yours look amazing." I am definitely nervous but I rubbed her lips lightly with my thumb.

"Don't come wearing this red lipstick, I get mad like a yak." I sigh, she smiled, god that smile is my weakness. This smile of hers is the enemy of my life. i will die someday.

"My desires are ready to flow, if only some beauty would immerse them." I said a few words to her again, She allowed my thumb to enter by opening her mouth slightly.

"Someone should learn from you how to mislead anyone, you are a fraud, you are cheating on an innocent girl." She chuckled.

Licking my lips i said "Noh, you are the real cruel one."

"Ah-lari" she made me feel her long fingers on my bare chest, my stomach started churning loudly.

"GOD DAMN! FUCK YOU! THIS IS SO FUCKING MESSED UP, OH SHIT." Lari disappeared and at the same time I realized I had fucking nighfall, my entire bedsheet is thick wet with semen.

She always comes in my dreams and i messes up my bedsheets.

"It looks so dirty, sticky, spread all over the bed." After getting up from the bed, I pulled my bedsheet and started cleaning the bed mattress with a tissue.

What to do, it is impossible to control neither dreams nor nighfalls. Well, nothing is under my control, everything seems to be out of control.

I am doing wrong, I should stop thinking about her like this, after all she is getting married today.

unfortunately, it's not me, ah. Now I have experience in dealing with sorrows.

I scrubbed the mattress and freed it of semen, it's turn of the bedsheet. Thank God I did not shed in the blanket.

What should i do? I can't force her and anyway, when I never told her my feelings, what's the point of crying now? I loved her very much and still do, but now I must crucify my feelings.

God give me strength to forget her.

But I am strong and I will not let tears come into my eyes because this is a sign of cowardice. Crying will make me feel more weak, and who cries just for a girl anyway?

Who cries? Nobody, right?


being a boy I can't cry, She gets married, I don't care, right?

I stood near the tall mirror and started crying loudly after seeing it, no one cries for a girl but I cry every day?

My Millions of attempts not to cry have failed and I cry every day when I look at myself in the mirror.

"I am helpless, very helpless."

God please help me, throw her out of my mind or give her to me, I beg you.

I was happy as long as I was in sleep, as soon as I wake up, my heart also breaks, many times every day, this heart has been torn into million pieces for one girl.

'You will definitely marry her by sitting here, she will definitely come here to get married with you fucker.' I am crying hugging the mirror to satisfy my loneliness, then a voice came from my conscience.

Moving back a little I saw little me sitting on my shoulder in black gown. This is my demon form who always provokes me to do wrong.

I wiped my tears so that I wouldn't be made fun of.

"Fukin, go and took the girl Forcefully, you also have an unlicensed revolver." My inner evil said.

"That girl loves another boy, not taehyung, and you will go to jail for doing this. Taehyung be a child of God, not of Satan." My inner angel flied near my ears saying this.

If one has come then the arrival of the other was also certain, she also came wearing white gown.

I never expressed my feelings to lari because I knew she had a boyfriend, I was waiting for their break-up to happen but now they are going to get married.

I am a normal boy with absolutely zero magic knowledge but I don't know how these two visible to my eyes.

"Please both of you, don't give me any suggestion right now, I am already sad." I walked towards the bathroom completely naked, after making a polite request to both of them.

Im realising, I was standing naked in front of the mirror and crying. This is so weird.


My parents abandoned me, I became an orphan, my mother's brother took custody of me, but now I have become a burden on him too.

I miss my mother so much. If I get the privilege of fulfilling any wish, I will call my mother back. Sometimes I talk like a little child, don't I? But anyone can make such a wish, even if he is a big boy, there is no restriction on it.

Right now I'm having breakfast with my face down and the whole house is in chaos. I have full knowledge of what happened but I'm trying to act very ignorant.

I heard loud crying, I left my breakfast and went towards aunt's room.

'Look what you did out of greed.' my inner angel said, We are standing at the door looking at my aunt who is crying and in a bad state.

"He did nothing wrong, his sister loved that boy." My evil form standing on my shoulder began to take my side. Aunty is crying because her daughter ran away last night whom I had helped otherwise she would not have been able to run away.

"Did I really make a mistake?" A few words came out of my mouth, seeing Aunt condition I started feeling guilty. The whole house is searching for aunty's daughter and the police has also come to the house.

"Yes, you will know the pain of a parent only when you become a father." My inner angel kept telling. "When your daughter runs away with her lover, you will understand what a disaster you have done."

"Why would his daughter run away? You don't do prophesy fukin angel or I'll change your pussy's angle." My inner devil started yelling on my angel. "This taehyung did everything to save himself because his cousin had seen him stealing money."

"Nothing like this will happen, and it is not written in any holy book, he has just done a good deed by making a loving couple together forever." My evil always becomes my unpaid lawyer whenever I do wrong.

"Shut up both of you, I will not be the father of any girl." I grawled slowly.

"Why do you think so, and what would you do if you became one?" My angel asked.

"She is just scaring you, don't be afraid taehyung, this doesn't happen anywhere, otherwise the world would have become better by now. God won't punish scoundrels, like you." My evil tried to convince me.

"I will be a good father, if i gets my daughter married to whoever she wants then she will not run away." I proudly said. I felt good for once.

"You know both of you are very bad. You both knew that the person aunt's daughter eloped with was already married and father of 2 children and you think you did the right thing." My angel said such a thing that my calm mind got disturbed.

"Even when your daughter wants to get married an old man, get it done okey taehyung." This fucked little angel, ass fuking bitch irritates me a lot, my wicked dicker evil is good compares to her, atleast he supports me.


Do Votes guys, Otherwise in your dreams you guys will see me on your bias dick.

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