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Page 06


I quickly locked my house and ran towards Taehyung's house. He had taken his pregnant wife to the hospital, I had talked to him on the phone a few hours ago, But after a long delay, when I called him again, he was crying a lot.

I have a feeling that something untoward has happened, no! no! I shouldn't think so wrong. But seriously Hearing his crying voice, I can't think of anything else except thinking something bad.

'May God have mercy, may everything go well and nothing bad happens to him.' In my thoughts I prayed for my friend and with every step I came closer to his house.

Taehyung told he is at home but It is quiet as I entered Taehyung's house, where did everyone go? "Fine!" I'll go take a look at Taehyung's room, then if no one is there I'll go to the hospital.

I ran up the stairs, Taehyung's room filled with sobs.

My steps became very slow, I opened the door slowly and stood inside taehyung's room, my heart is jumping fast in my chest, I am scared.

The room is scattered as if he had messed with the room and broken all the things himself.

"Taehyung?" As soon as I called his name, he jumped off the bed, pounced on me and started crying loudly, clinging to my chest.

"Jimin, She left me alone. I can't even breathe properly. i want to die." Hugging him tightly i patted his back and tried to calm him down.

My attention reached the bed which was stained with blood. Did he murder someone? I jerked him away from me and saw his eyes were completely red from crying.

"What did you do brother? Did you do something wrong?" I gulped looking at him carefully from top to bottom, I understood everything, he had tried to kill himself. Blood was dripping from his wrist and his hand was badly cut, is he crazy?

I panicked and just ran towards his hand to stop his bleeding further.

I didn't have enough time to find the first aid box he was already bleeding and was about to become unconscious, he fell on the bed I ran and took his shirt from the cupboard and tied his wrist.

"Motherfucker, what did you do?" I shouted loudly and patted his cheeks. He looked at me with devouring eyes even in his unconscious state.

"don't abuse my mother." He warned, I am concerned about his condition otherwise I would have beaten him badly for doing such a thing.

"What has happened? Why were you going to die? Who left you?" Controlling myself, I looked at his face and asked, he again started crying loudly, the poor guy is not able to speak as if he is dumb.

I caressed him for some time after which he said 'Lari' w—what happened? Lari left him and went away? My eyes got big after hearing this.

"How and when did all this happen?" While holding him in my arms, I myself put the rim of the glass of water to his mouth after picking up glass from the side table. His throat has become very dry.

He drank the water calmly, then took a deep breath and started crying again. "Where should I go now, I was completely crazy about her, I feel as if the purpose of my life has ended now."

I don't want to cry at all but my eyes are ready to fill with tears after seeing him cry.

"I don't think I'll be able to live much longer, even if I don't kill myself, her memories will kill me."

"Grabbing him in my arms harder i kissed him lovingly on his forehead several times. "Everything will be okay Taehyung, shut up brother."

"This morning she died while giving birth to child." Taehyung screamed in my chest, shivers ran through my body. What happened to this poor guy, with how much difficulty he got that woman, and now I am hearing this unfortunate news.

I'm speechless, he cried for some time and I kept soothing him.

"Is the child alive or?" I asked the question politely but he got angry at me.

"Don't ask me about that wretched girl, she is the daughter of evil, everything happened because of her." How wrong he is speaking, understanding the seriousness of the matter I am silent otherwise I would have made him a good man.

He has become the girl's father. From his speech it seems that the girl is alive. "Where are all the family members?" I asked.

"Everyone is in the hospital." He spoke only under his breath, a lot of his energy had been wasted.

Leaving everyone in the hospital, what did he come home alone to do? Perhaps he had left the hospital with the intention of committing suicide.

"Let's go to the hospital, you also need treatment." I don't want to comment on his stupidity, he's just a big bitch.

I changed his blood stained clothes and tried to make him wear clean clothes so that I could prepare him for the hospital.


"What are you saying, uncle, the girl is not in the hospital?" Taehyung had said everyone is in the hospital but Seokjin uncle is telling Taehyung had taken the baby girl with him from here.

"Yes, we are preparing for Lari's funeral. The hospital is going to hand over her body to us." When Taehyung's uncle tells me with heavy heart, panic reaches its peak in my chest, what did Taehyung do with his daughter?

Did he make his new born daughter a resident of heaven out of anger? Anyway, he looked very sad with the girl.

I didn't expect this from Taehyung. But I am sure he would not do such a thing to his daughter, no father has the courage to kill his children in my opinion.

I ran to Taehyung's ward, I haven't told Seokjin uncle yet that Taehyung also tried to commit suicide, Taehyung stopped me from telling.

Lari was a good friend of mine but I didn't get a chance to mourn for her, before I could mourn in her memory, something incredible happened.

It was not the baby girl's fault, Taehyung is unnecessarily angry with her. He has lost his most precious thing but still I cannot accept his action that he did the right thing.

"Where is your child, Taehyung?" I reached in taehyung's ward panting and went near him, his face is completely silent, lying on the bed he stared at me with red eyes still full of tears. I felt as if he was talking to himself but he became silent when I approached.

"I do not know." I couldn't believe the words he said, something has definitely happened, The child had already been taken from the hospital and the child was not even at home, was the blood on the bed Taehyung's daughter's?

"Tell me the truth, what did you do with the girl?" Anger appeared in my voice, Taehyung's tone of voice told me he has come after doing something wrong.

"Don't ask the same thing again and again, i told you once, right? I don't know where that wretched girl went." He growled and said, i know why, because be wants to hide the important thing from everyone which he does silently.

"Fuker! I'm going to tell Seokjin uncle everything." Really, I'm thinking of telling Seokjin that Taehyung has hidden his daughter somewhere, but Taehyung is my friend and I can't betray him.

Standing up I started walking away from him, he grabbed my hand.

His wife has already died and now his daughter is also in danger, perhaps Taehyung is dominated by blood, who knows what he might do under the influence of anger.

Is he really considering his daughter as his wife's murderer? And did something terrible with her.

"Wait, I will tell you." Taehyung said while sobbing, I held my restless heart and sat next to him again.


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