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I really feel like killing this bastard by setting fire to his pubic hair, what should I do? For the sake of friendship, today I have eaten a human too.

"You are a very wrong person, brother. Instead of making me happy, you set my chest on fire." Even if this is the husband of the queen of my dreams, it is wrong for me to eat his flesh.

Looking at my crying face Jimin is about to laugh, I jumped up from the sofa and cupped his cheeks in my big palms.

"Brother I'm sure you're a big bastard, but you won't betray me, right?" I shook him and asked, but his smile softened a bit, which gave me a little assurance that my friend can't be that bad.

"You are thinking right, it was not human meat but chicken." Chuckling, he told me lovingly and I fell on the sofa, sighing in relief.

I am satisfied my friend has respected our friendship.

"It's was a joke but I have good news for you." Looks like his girlfriend is pregnant. He also sat next to me and we both looked into each other's eyes.

"Lari has proposed to marry her." What this asshole is saying is setting my heart on fire.

"She has a boyfriend who was going to marry her, where is he?" I asked.

"He was a bad person, he had affairs with many girls and he was going to marry lari for the money." Jimin told. "when she once asked for his phone to check, he even beat her."

"The wedding date was fixed, Lari requested me to marry her now so that her father would not be dishonored in front of relatives, she would divorce me later and also give money for the fake marriage."

Another wound had formed on my broken heart, I asked innocently after controlling my emotions. "Did you say yes to marriage?"

"Yes! She is going to marry but not me but you." Flowers bloomed in my heart after hearing this, Even if this is a lie, my mind gets a lot of satisfaction after hearing it.

"When she asked me, I gave her your name." She is a very good friend of both of us, so Jimin and I are equal for her, we both are trustworthy men for her, maybe That's why she has no objection to marrying me too.

"Well, the groom's dress is ready, but remember she will divorce you later, she is doing it out of compulsion now." He said walking towards the room, I also followed him.

She won't get a chance to divorce me, I will teach her to love me. How lucky I am, she became mine without telling her my feelings.

I can't miss this golden opportunity.


After packing my things, I am ready, I am just going to meet uncle for the last time before leaving the house.

"Where are you going taehyung?" When I reached uncle's room with the luggage, he asked.

"Seokjin uncle i am leaving the house, aunt told me to leave the house within a month." I don't regret I chased away my aunt's daughter, but when I see my uncle, I feel sad that I did something wrong. Maybe his profession is wrong but not his heart.

He is like my innocent mother, I see my mother in him. My mother also looked like him because she was the twin of my Seokjin uncle.

"She told you and you took the decision of leaving house, didn't you tell me? You know she is a serpent, because of her bad attitude my daughter left home." My uncle said, It hurts him a lot to losing his daughter, I have to muster up the courage, I can't tell where his daughter has gone, otherwise my truth will also be revealed that I have committed a crime.

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