A last note <2>

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Connor grabbed his stuff, tension building in his body as he walked towards the elevator. Stopping on the ICU, he saw Dr Latham standing right outside.

"Dr Rhodes, I see you got my message" he begon, nodding friendly.
"Where is she" it wasn't in the form of a question but more of an anxious demand, he wanted to see Ava as soon as possible.
"Room 8" Dr Latham gave him a kind look before walking away. As Connor rushed to the room his mind filled with a million thoughts, but there was one in particular that made his head ache the most.

"How was Ava?"

It was an unsettling feeling of mostly guilt crawling up his spine as he entered the room. Seeing her pale body lay weakly, not even shuddering as the door produced a soft gush of wind. He walked towards the bedside, hand lightly resting on the gauze around her neck. The complete silence, besides the beeping of equipment and Connors ragged breaths made him feel eerie.

"I'm sorry Avey, I should've listened to you" he whispered, not accounting for the fact she couldn't hear him. He brushed through her blonde hair, meticulously tucking a few loose strands behind her ears. Sighing he sat down in the chair located in a far corner of the room. Sitting there whilst watching Ava, until his pager went off.

Over the past weeks, Connor would routinely go up to her room, check on her, sit down till he had to go.
A month later she still hadn't made any progress, she was still non responsive. But the wound had healed well, only leaving a slight scar.

Another month passed, with that Ava's brain activity increased. She was close to being fully awake. The only thing that was keeping her down where the sedatives. The doctors decided to lighten her sedation after a few days of monitoring.

Three days passed after lightening the sedatives Ava started to wake. Her eyes flicked swiftly, the light burning in her so used to dark state. Wincing as her head pounded, she carefully inspected her surroundings. Feeling another person present, she shifted, hissing as a sharp pain struck through her neck.

As her vision cleared, the outlines of the other person became familiar. "C-Connor?" Ava stuttered her voice out of tune, throat dry and raw. Hazy eyes darting back and forth between the monitors and the rest of the room.

Connor gazed at her without saying a word, his hand laid lightly on her head bringing a weak feeling of comfort to Ava. "I assume you got all the things in my locker" the sentence flowed as best as could, with a mild hint of sighing but mostly curiosity stirred with in-despicable pain.

There was something behind his blue eyes, something hinting at guilt as he nodded, again silently. She locked eyes with him trying look behind them, before settling her sight on the bed.

"I'm sorry Ava" after a long silence Connor finally spoke. She was at a loss for words; for a long time he had put the blame on her. Now he stood there in front of her, apologizing. Hesitantly meeting his glaring eyes, a sullen feeling of solace spread through her body.

The familiarity in his gaze, the words that where unspoken for so long, there was something behind it that made Ava feel freed.

"I am sorry for not listening" after thinking about what to say, he did so. The carefulness in his words, all so pure and honest. Smiling softly, the weight of the sentences lifted off his heart.

"You couldn't have known, I never told you anyways" the words stretched with hints of haze. The dullness in her eyes now lit with resurfaced feelings. A form of soothe in her shattered heart. Nevertheless still decisively burning with pain.

"I didn't and would never have believed you without this happening" Connor leaned in closer, the few inches left flustering her. She could feel the warmth radiating off his body, the faint lines of his figure etched against the white walls, the corners of his mouth tucked into a slight smile.

Ava wanted to say something, she wanted to badly. But caught in his blue eyes, struck into dissociation, the best she could was gaze at him. Unsure about a next move she sat up. Connor, still heavily focused on her, closed the distance in a gentle kiss.

Still holding onto her after breaking apart, she fell deeper into his arms. A pure feeling of euphoria and comfort, her chin resting on his shoulder, head buried against his neck. Inhaling his ever so familiar scent.

"I love you Avey" he breathed chuckling warmly. Ava could only smile, feeling him close, the feeling of comfort spreading in her body. She focused her gaze onto Connor.

"I love you too"

Words: 810
Finally done with this one!! Hoped I could've gotten it out earlier but technical difficulties:(
So I'm trying to decide between doing the diary thing or making that a separate book. If anyone has advice feel free to drop it<3

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