"Why are you here"

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Idea by <Mgrogan_77> on my board, enjoy!

The icy floors and walls of the cel weren't the most welcoming sight besides that the cold they radiated made Ava yet the more uncomfortable. She kept telling herself that "it would be alright" and "nothing bad is going to happen".
All stupid lies.

She knew exactly what was coming for her when she admitted to the murder. Though secretly hoping Connor would've let her go. It wasn't pretty, what happened between them. But still, thinking she would have mattered more to him. Leaning back, meeting with the stone wall, she sighed. Ava had yet to go to court, her mind already formulating the different possibilities.

Manslaughter, medical malpractice, murder. Regardless of the outcome she would have to spend time in jail and lose her license. Everything she had ever loved crumbling. It was depressing, the one and only reason she went to Chicago was to start fresh. Be a different person. But she fell back into her old crippled self, except this time it had become worse.

Her string of thoughts where interrupted when a guard called for her. Saying that "someone is here to visit you". Naturally curious as to who on earth would want to visit. Ava followed the guard to the visitor room. Instantly regretting it when she saw who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here Connor" she'd hiss, not looking at his glaring blue eyes. She sat opposite of him at the tiny table, he kept staring at her. Not coldly, but not comforting by any means either.

"You said you did it for me, why?" after a long distraught silence, his words were like whispers. Still they had their edge, cutting daggers into the building tension.
It felt suffocating, for the both of them. In a simple conversation laid all their past and possible future.

Ava who looked down, inert. Pure sadness washing over her like the sea's merciless waves. It was reminding her too much of a previous talk they had. The slight bruise on her arm standing as a reminder. Closing her eyes, breathing sharply, trying to think of a way out again.

"Just go, please" it wasn't a plead, the note of politeness was just courtesy of her broken self. The truth was there, every word said preceding running through her mind.

"Avey" there was the darned nickname, maybe there was warmth in his voice, but her thoughts drowned all of it out. Connor stood, maybe a bit startled, but she wanted to bawl. Despising every second longer she had to see him.

"Don't" not even having the strength left to sound somewhat angry. The last ounces of energy being outed in keeping herself together, as in to not break down. Turning her back, more memories rushing to her mind.

"Visit time is over" it was the guard, now signaling at Connor to back away, which he did. Hesitantly. Now taking Ava away, she could only give him one last detrimental stare
Connor sighed, he wasn't sure what drove him so far. Far enough to visit Ava in jail. His fingers running past each individual bead of the ornament she had once given him. A good luck charm, so she said. But it only went downhill from there.

It was painful to think about her. More bittersweet actually. They had their moments, their fights, the disagreements. The moments of glory they had together, every kiss, every gaze. Until it fell apart.

Walking through the gate, being checked. Connor swallowed stiffly. He was brought to a room, waiting for a spare few minutes. It gave him time to think, in all honesty he wasn't sure how we would feel seeing her again. The last time? She confessed to murdering his father. But he did still love her right?

And oh, there she was. Ava looked way worse then he had expected. Her blonde curls, if you could even still call them so, where grim. Losing their shine.

"What the hell are you doing here Connor" it felt slightly disheartening to him, seeing her act so cold.
"You said you did it for me, why?" wishing the silence stretched longer, but still he whispered his words. The same words she told him. The short sleeved uniform she was in, revealed the bruise he had gave her the time they talked.

She was hurt, Connor could see right through her. Ava took it all hard, all the accusations he had thrown, all the harsh words he had yelled. Seeing it now, he regretted it. Not all of it though. In his eyes she was still a murderer and despicable person.

"Just go, please" he wasn't sure how to reply, but he wanted to connect the dots. Mostly on why. Why she did it.

"Avey" that little part of him, screaming, clinging onto her. Connor hated how sickly sweet he sounded. Like someone desperate to get their ex back.

"Don't" her eyes shone with momentarily anger, before subduing into pure sadness. Ava turned her back toward him, bitter. He didn't know what to do, now the reason he even came was unsure.

"Visit time is over" the rather stern voice of the guard shook him a little as he waved at him to step back. Connor was hesitant to do so, not yet wanting to part with her. But the guard was already taking her away. And all she did was give him a ice hard stare.

He couldn't tell if it was hatred behind her hazel eyes. Just that it in no way would be any form of fondness towards him. Willingly letting himself get led out of the room. The only thing on his mind was Ava.

Words: 947
I apologize if the grammar is off and any inaccuracies with how Illinois law works:)For this oneshot I tried to focus on displaying both Connor and Ava's emotions, who they would feel in the situation. So I wrote the convo from both their povs<33

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