Flowers<Exercise 1>

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How the sights of flowers had ruined and made them was a story to tell. In every major step, wether it was up or down some part of it involved the colored blooms.
For such when Connor hinted every so slightly at his feelings, the frivolous bouquet his father had given Ava. Even her pure fragrance of lilacs accompanying so many ugly disputes between them and somehow again his father.
Or the many other so said small gifts of sweet smelling petals on a rigid stem, of course adding ribbon to top it off. Differing in means every time, lavenders as a peace offering, the peonies for taking his compliments of beauty and elegance, most of all the scarlet roses and the love with it.
With them wilting slowly so did the affection, the adoration the trust the romance, fading, slipping though the cracks cut by their lies.
Like a pathetic take it went on, where love once thrived hatred now grows.

Until you give up. Ava did, she did give up. When what you carry drags you down deeper and deeper, sometimes there is no escape. And it's a matter of finding the light. But what if darkness was the only thing left? Sunflowers pointing at the sun crumbling to the ground.
Connor had the better end. The familiarity surrounding shone enough brightness for him to bask in.
The cliff between them, holding them worlds apart didn't keep the flowers away. Orange lilies with notes spewing distaste, so did the candytufts but in a more "indifference" way. Still deeply symbolizing loathe.

In a way when Ava was gone and Connor god knows where, the plants held higher value. The emblems of blue hydrangeas and chrysanthemum forever dear to him. Meaning gratitude and grief. It was little comfort but more honorific, like in desperation realizing what you lost and can't get back. Honors for her. Gladiolus.
Remembrance is a big thing, holding someone thinking you hated as a dear memory will never be simple. Above all as a haunted thought that the same spite is what cause their ruin. For everything the petals shone, dazzled and well kept. Cause god forbade the so pure essence of them was dying. With the days becoming shorter again, and the sun gleaming more, forever will be their missing time. The time possible engulfed in sweet memories nothing of bitter feelings and salted tears.

Away gave Connor the haunted thoughts of ominous sadness. The possibility that maybe they could have had a thing, or was it more then just. Because it was all there.
The god forsaken love and euphoria in the days passing. And maybe just maybe, if in another life time they where something else right? For the least was Ava alive and well.
In another lifetime the meaning of flowers would only be something know in textbooks, not enough to bury all they had.
In another life time the bliss was real and the increasing tears weren't, ignoring the obvious sign in deliberate delusion. Since how, how could life go on like that. How could one act like nothing ever happened.
So they hoped that in another life, as another person the faults made ceased to change.

Words: 536
But angsty sorry:) I'm working on a few writing exercises so you get a few(14) oneshots with our lovelies, don't worry not all of them are so angsty<33

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