"I will always help you"<2>

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It felt like an eternity before the court room started filling. It was time for Ava's hearing, where she would get her sentence. She had already made up her mind on what to say, imagining the scenario in her head. She would plead guilty and be stowed away in jail.

There wasn't a huge public, a spare few people sitting there. One face she did recognize. Connor. She was less then surprised, he had already visited a few days prior. Ava avoided his piercing eyes, the words spoken drowned out. Until the familiar words of "how do you plead"

"I plead guilty, your honor" it was like an automated response, she was fully numb. Mostly she wanted to get out here, away from the pressing walls of the court room. And from a certain person's gaze.

"Objections?" the judge asked, already lifting their hammer. Ava saw Connor stand up and raise his hand. He wasn't actually going to object right? She hoped he didn't, she wanted everything to be over with. To leave it all behind her. But she guessed he didn't want to.

"Ava- Dr Bekker is innocent, I saw someone give my father the insulin. But I assure you, your honor that it wasn't her" she wasn't sure if to innerly curse, or feel some sort of grace. There was still a chance that the judge would take none of this seriously.

"So you believe that Dr Bekker shouldn't be sentenced" and there goes that, the frustration in her boiled over. If only he would shut up.

"I do" if there weren't guards everywhere Ava sure as hell would've already gone for Connor. She held her breath as the judge gave a thoughtful gaze, thinking deeply.

"Dr Bekker will be sentenced not guilty till further investigation, she will however face temporary suspension of her medical license until the next trial" two taps with the hammer and it was settled. Ava shot Connor a furious glare from across the room.
She sighed, depressingly almost. Everything was just for nothing now. The continuation was her last hope, but who knows if he would show up again and ruin it all. She wanted peace and the way it was unfolding was rather discouraging.

She could at least travel freely. With restrictions. As in not leaving Chicago. Ava shuddered a little, mid October in the "Windy City" does live up to its name. Outside the courthouse she spotted Connor. If that already wasn't terrible, he stood right next to the door, the only way she was getting out.

Swallowing hard, she made a careful few steps out the building. Wanting to just pass him quickly without haven't to speak a word, innerly still furious. But it seemed he had other plans.

"Ava wait"

"Your happy now Connor? Getting to play the hero?" not waiting for a response she turned back, continuing her angry stride. Of course he caught up with her.

"Can we just talk, please" his voice sounded soft, gentle. Different.
"So you can ramble more about how I'm crazy? No thanks" already holding back tears, but still maintaining the same sharp tone. Feeling cornered by him deliberately leading her into an alley.

"To set things straight, if this where the last we'd see of each other" pathetically poetic she would say. Connor's words where sweet sure, but to set things straight?

"Really? After everything you caused?" Each syllable spoken with hateful spite. The past resentment still visible clearly in Ava's glaring orbs. She backed away, her face still turned to him so he could see her cold stare.

"Ava wait please" Connor tried to grab her arm, but only his fingers only managed to flick against the fabric of her coat. Unlike his previous attempt, the bruise it caused had already healed, it was a more lighter delicate touch.

"Always, always it was about you. The daddy son thing that fucked you up, Robin leaving you. I was just here as a bandaid, to toss away as soon as everything healed"
The breaking point, every thought which had been building up in her mind all spilled. Tears had already started flooding her eyes, but Ava still looked ever so sternly.

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