Chapter 4

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Thalleous drew his diamond greatsword. It gleamed in the sunset. He raised it and ran at the shrine, preparing to deal justice against those who would harm the masters. The young lieutenant leapt over the entrance and into the fray. Three Voltaris were free. Thalleous looked and saw chips in the rocks: they had broken their chains against the shrine. He turned his attention to the young boy, Tygren. While young, the boy was skilled with a sword.

"Lay down your arms!" Thalleous yelled as another Voltaris broke free. He charged at Tygren, narrowly missing with his swing as the child ducked. A Voltaris shot an arrow at the lieutenant Thalleous used his aggrobeam from his aggressium prime to dispatch his assailant. He watched as the Nestoris master dueled with Ingressus, staff in hand. Several ardoni citizens ran in to join the fight. They had hammers, axes, shovels, or whatever else they could grab in hand. The masters used their Mobilium songs to teleport out of the shrine. Thalleous threw the Nestoris master his Aggressium prime.

"Use it well!" Thalleous called.

Aegus caught it and promptly fired a beam of red light at a Voltaris warrior, whose markings promptly faded. He used his Protessium song to shield himself from a blow. He threw the supportium prime to the master of the Kaltaris, who froze Tygren in an instant, Frenorath's staff glowing bright. He used his Mobillium song to teleport directly behind Ingressus, and raised his blade for a strike. Ingressus rolled out of the way. Thalleous swiped at the Voltaris master, but only hit air. Ingressus ran at Frenorath, intending to take his prime. The master's focus was broken. Tygren was free.

Ingressus raised his sword for a strike as Frenorath raised his staff for a well-timed block. Ingressus spun around to the Kaltaris master's back and stabbed.

"No!" A young Kaltaris yelled. Tygren cut his throat.

Ingressus picked up the Supportium prime and froze two ardoni citizens. He ran at the frozen civilians. Blood sprayed as Thalleous looked away. Aegus used the Aggresium prime to create a large shockwave, knocking all the ardoni back several blocks. Ingressus, Tygren, and their two living comrades dashed around, slaughtering their foes. After but a few seconds, only the three living masters and Thalleous remained.

Three Voltaris took out flint and steel, lit them, and threw them at the town and the surrounding grass, starting a fire. Thalleous steeled himself as Ingressus lit a flame as well.Thalleous threw Kaikortrias the Mobillium prime and Redorent the Protessium. Kaikortrias, raised his staff to decapitate a Voltaris. As he did, Ingressus moved his brother out of the way. He used his Aggressium song to knock Thalleous into the shrine. The lieutenant felt an incredible amount of pain.

Everything in Thalleous' vision went black.

When he came to a few minutes later, Thalleous quickly remembered the raging skirmish. He looked in the direction of the shrine, but saw nobody there. The fire had reached the forest, and the trees had begun to burn. Thalleous cursed, picked up his sword, and ran into the forest, seeing a crimson glow through the flames. He followed it, and could soon. hear Ingressus shouting at Kaikortrias.

"Turn over the song!" he yelled. "I won't lay a hand upon you if you turn over the song!"

Ingressus was closing in on Kaikortrias. The older Ardoni was wheezing, clutching the Prime to his chest. Ingressus held a diamond greatsword raised above his head, prepared to strike. The Mendaris master tripped, and Ingressus used the mistake to his advantage. He raised his blade and killed Kaikortrias. Thalleous stopped and stared at the body for only a second before continuing his pursuit.

Ingressus saw Thalleous coming, and rather than block or dodge the oncoming blow, he simply stood there, sword at the ready. As Thalleous raised his blade, Ingressus used the Protessium prime to shield himself from the blow.

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