Chapter 8

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Sarrettus was debating fortification strategies when Thalleous came in.

"Lieutenant?" Sarrettus said.

"Sir, the netheran said that Tygren showed him a portal to Ontretheia one year ago."

Sarrettus stood up. So did several of the more perceptive officers.

"Can anyone confirm this?" Sarrettus asked, looking around the room. One lieutenant turned to face the Captain.

"Sir, my scouts reported a portal found near Ontretheia found after the ambush," added the officer in a growling baritone. "Its erosion and plant growth are consistent with that of a one-year-old portal."

Sarrettus stroked his chin. "They knew what we were going to do..." The battalion commander started pacing around the room. "They planned this so far in advance, they must have known our customs for this matter."

"I concur, Sir," said Thalleous, striding forward towards the half-circle table of marble. He leaned on it, staring around the whitewashed room. "They knew we'd react to the Nether invasion, they knew that the Primes would be concentrated there. They knew they'd be taken to Eterden, because it's secure and so close by. They knew what we were going to do before we did it, because we've been using the same tactics against them for almost a millenia."

The lieutenant stared around the whitewashed room, looking at the officers, requesting their wisdom with naught but his eyes.

"But how would they know where we selected champions?" Osivian asked. "How would they know we were to take them to Eterden for sure? How would they know that the Primes would be at the Tournament, anyways?"

Thalleous thought for a moment, then spoke. "They must have Netheran reconnaissance teams reporting back to them. The Voltaris would provide what they know. A joint reconnaissance force."

"This is worse than we thought, much worse," A lieutenant said. "We must speak with the Masters, they'll-"

"I'll handle that," Sarrettus barked suddenly. He stopped pacing and turned to face his comrades. "All of you, prepare your troops for orders and stand by. Battalion leadership, though you are not under my command, I trust you see what ought to be done."

The captains in the room nodded.

"Thalleous. I'll report your findings to Major Wrentorn. He'll know what to do with this information. If the Voltaris had planned this for a year, then that meant they might know all their secrets."

"Sir, what if they have classified information?" asked a young lieutenant. "Battle plans, meeting places-"

"That is on the master's shoulders to decide." Sarrettus grimaced. "I must leave you all for Melkor. He shall return soon. Thalleous, take post."

"Yes, Sir!" sounded off the lieutenant. Then, he went to take the watch.

After a journey to a nearby Song shrine, Sarrettus returned from his deliberations with Melkor. Days of interrogations and strategization had proven most tiring. He and Thalleous were now posted at a large base. The two had a small balcony shared between their rooms. Spruce wood chairs stood behind a thick railing. The two sat down to discuss the events at Eterden.

"I'm surprised the Voltaris were able to break their chains," Thalleous said.

"I'm not. We've slipped into complacency over the last few years. Some say your time as Champion held the most raids in a generation."

Thalleous assented. "I have heard the same."

"Champions have become a formality, a sport in the last century," Sarrettus spat. "We've grown lazy, and we don't treat danger the way we used to. Most likely, some thought those chains would never see use."

Champion Revised: A Songs of War NovelWhere stories live. Discover now