Chapter 13

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Thalleous ran through the portal. "Make sure nobody is left behind!" he yelled. He prepared to deconstruct the moldy and old frame, taking out a diamond pickaxe. He waited a minute when the last person came through, then began the slow, dull process of chopping at the frame.

"Where are we?" Criordian asked.

Acchilean stepped forward and surveyed the land. Despite all that had happened, a smile covered his face, a boyish, ear-to-ear grin.


Sarrettus ran towards the portal at lightning speeds. It was ten blocks away, but the frame was breaking slowly. They thought he had made it in.

The Nether pursued him, wither skeletons raising their swords, blazes shooting balls of fire, ghasts shrieking ominously. His every step brought him closer to the portal as his feet burned. Hell's fury was coming for him, their swordsmen were within a block of him–

He slid through the portal along with several skeletons, wither skeletons, and blazes. He drew his blade from its sheath and cut through a blaze. WIth a low, wheezing groan, it fell to the ground. He kicked it aside and slashed at a wither skeleton. Several Nestoris saw what was happening, and rallied behind Acchilean.

"Kill them!" he yelled. The Nether's force was quickly failing. Acchilean picked up his staff off the ground and blasted the skeleton archers with his Aggrobeam. Sarrettus cut through the last enemy, and the Sendaris Militia stood in a pile of bones and weapons.

"Welcome to Nestoria," Acchilean said with mirth.

That night, while the Sendaria Militia's Ghost Battalion took rooms in an inn, Thalleous and Acchilean sat in chairs on a deck.

"None but the Sendaria Militia could pull off an operation such as this," Acchilean said. "We now know where the Nether does internal recon. From there, we can pinpoint their stronghold's location."

"It might not come to that," Thalleous said. "If we kill their king, their government will be in shambles. From there, it is a matter of exterminating the Voltaris and ending the war, no more trips to Hell needed."

Acchilean bowed his head. "Let us hope this war ends soon."

"Indeed," Thalleous said. He remained silent for a moment before turning to face Acchilean.

"You know, I met the Deathsinger at the Champion's tournament," he said.

Acchilean turned to face him. "You did?"

"He was remarkably humble to my face," Thalleous said. "One would assume the two were different people if not for Ingressus' reveal."

Acchilean sighed, shifting in his seat slightly. "I don't know how so many Voltaris disguised themselves," he muttered.

Thalleous shook his head. "All forms of black magic are at the Voltaris' disposal. If not for our stringent borders and security, we would have spies running all over the place."

As Acchilean closed his eyes, Thalleous uttered one final request to the comforting heavens.

"Let us hope the Deathsinger's reign ends soon," he sighed.

"Indeed," Acchilean concurred slowly.

The two soldiers meant very different things.

Sarrettus grimaced as his battalion prepared to ship out. He loaded up a pack with food and supplies and sheathed his sword. He noticed Thalleous barking orders to his men, and summoned his troops for a final meeting.

"Aggrennall and Acchilean will be staying with us," he said. "They have information useful to our militia. Their Battalion-Majors have consented to letting them stay with us for a few more months."

The troopers smirked at this.

"They'll be operating as if they are members of this unit. We ship out to Sendaria at once!"

Acchilean shouldered his pack as he began marching. The dirt path was wide, and allowed for a few soldiers to march side-by-side at a time. Acchilean stood centrally, not speaking much to anyone.

"Is it true that you helped with the prison-break of Bhengorn?" a young private beside him asked.

"I did, soldier," the prospective lieutenant muttered. "Those civilians and the Nether were not a good mix."

"I'd imagine not, sergeant," the private said, his blue markings reaching one of his eyes. "Did they really want to get your staff enchanted at Etherea?"

Acchilean smirked. "They did."

"Then why isn't it glowing? Does it only glow in combat?"

The sergeant shook his head. "I turned them down. My platoon leader did a lot more on that raid than I did."

The private stayed silent after that.

Thalleous spoke occasionally about his excursion at Mount Kaelos as he walked. Diplomatic missions with the Magnorites seemed positively lovely compared to now.

"Sergeant Acchilean!" Criordian yelled. "Who handled your transfer across Ardonia to Sendaria?"

The Nestoris looked uncomfortable. "I...I did it myself. No escort party."

"Wasn't that dangerous?" Asked the Lieutenant. Thalleous cocked his head.

"The Nether didn't get to me," responded the Sergeant curtly.

Thalleous adjusted his backpack.

"Did you take a herald's route?"

Acchilean hesitated. "I did," he said after a while. "I shall tell you more later."

Thalleous furrowed his brow. Something wasn't right about this sergeant.

Author's Note:

Hello, all.

Chapter 14 should release in a week.



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