Chapter 15

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Thalleous grimaced as he walked, adjusting his pack. He watched his soldiers lead the prisoner, Xylo. The Voltaris screamed and raged, thrashing against the ropes pulled taught by a squad of Sendaris troopers. His staff and belongings had been taken from him, his wither skulls smashed, his mask cracked and discarded along the roadside. His undead had been slaughtered, their moldering carcasses burned upon a pyre. All he could do now was yell obscenities, the disgraced wizard's fit continuing well into the afternoon.

"My clan is everywhere! Everywhere! They will find us!" He promised. The squad ignored him, continuing on. Thalleous fell out of the formation, shaking his head.

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked the men tasked with the necromancer's handling.

"We'll be fine," said their squad-sergeant, struggling against the thick rope he held wrapped around his hands. "We outnumber him–" he stopped, jerking the lead as the prisoner of war tried to run in the opposite direction–"Seven to one." He cast a warning glare briefly before turning back to face the lieutenant, leaning in as best he could and speaking in a low voice. "The only issue with him is the noise." He winked and stood back. Thalleous gave a small grin and turned away. He jogged to the front of the formation, in Sarrettus' direction.

"The men won't be able to sleep with him, such as he is," the lieutenant said, a perfunctory salute already on his brow.

The Captain saluted back with two fingers. "Indeed." There was no doubt as to who they were speaking on. Sarrettus looked back at the prisoner, then at his lieutenant. "We aren't supposed to gag war prisoners unless their speech poses some kind of threat, as per Melkor's orders."

Thalleous cocked his head. "Why would that be the case?"

Sarrettus shook his head. "Two reasons. First, he can't stomach harsh treatment. Second, he thinks that if you give a captive enough time, he might let something slip."

Thalleous bowed his head. "That seems...odd."

"You don't know the half of it," said the Captain in a whisper. "I'm not sure why we let that man command our army, but he was confirmed by a special board, given the circumstances. Thus..." He let the sentence trail off.

Thalleous nodded. "We'll have to bear it." He noticed the sun getting low, and turned to face the men. "Battalion, halt!"

The soldiers snapped to a crisp stop.

"Fall out! Make camp here for tonight! The prisoner is not to be gagged, merely bound to a tree!"

Groans resounded throughout the mass.

"Those are our orders from Ky-Melkor! They must be obeyed!"
That night, many soldiers did not want the rule to be quite so well-enforced.

Thalleous coughed as he got up. He had not slept well at all last night. Nor, it seems, had his soldiers, who were all stretching and yawning, with the occasional curse against the prisoner.

Xylo, for his part, was asleep, too tired to carry on his ravings. One soldier shook him awake, untied his ropes from the trees, and rallied his squad to the necromancer's handling.

Sarrettus stood up. "No breakfast today! The war council starts at sunrise on the 'morrow! We need to move! Fall in!"

The soldiers quickly got into formation and marched onward.

Ecaldus nodded to the monarchs as they walked out of the hall's door, each one ignoring him in their turn. The day's litigations were over, and the Magnerite delegate was weary. He turned to face his king as he got back on his litter.

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