Uncle Ryder

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Piper came behind me making me jump and scream again, then she screamed and then we looked at the body and then screamed together. Then we heard steps up the stairs. Here comes to nausea again. A large tall man busted through the door it was Mr.Telvin. "What are you girls doing here? I heard screaming." He said.
"Did you do this? Did you kill Mrs.Telvin, did you kill my mother too?!" I yelled. " How dare you accuse me!" he said as he walked deeper into the room, he walked over to us and then saw the body, Mrs.Telvin's body and she was cold as if she's been there for awhile. He gasped and then walked back and tripped and fell over the old coffee table. "Lies! You knew she was here! You had to know you just had to you killed her! I'm calling the cops!" I yelled. "No you can't do that, if you do they will not only suspect me they will suspect you too and I know it." He said. " If you don't want to spend time in jail you will help me get rid of the body." I was confused, did he really think I was going to help him clean up his mess?

I looked over at Piper who was still in shock her hands were in her face and she was quiet for so long and I knew she was terrified. " Did you kill Mrs.Telvin?" He sighed " I knew she was dead already, I did but it was not me. If you come along back next door, forget the body." I thought he was crazy but I said fine. I picked up the ring I found and slipped it in my pocket. I grabbed Piper who was as stiff as a cactus and walked her down the stairs following Mr.Telvin. When we got next door me and Piper hesitated to go inside. For all we know he could be a killer. We walked in through the backdoor which was a beautiful yellow kitchen. It was decorated with a white table with a lace tablecloth and the prettiest most cleanest glasses I ever saw. They had a crystal chandelier and the kitchen seem to stretch far. Mr. Telvin took out 3 glasses and a pitcher full of lemonade. He poured 3 glasses full and pulled out our seats. He motioned us to sit before he did and started to sip down his lemonade. " After you came the other day later on a man came to the house and threatened us saying if we knew anything about the murder of Amanda and told you he would kill us. Amelia Telvin my beautiful wife saw that as a challenge and told him to try her. He pulled out a gun and put it to her head and said she asked for it and I knew Amelia had gotten herself into trouble. Later on, going to bed I heard Amelia downstairs and figured she was leaving for her own safety like I had advised but whenever she goes somewhere she leaves a note and when I woke up there was no note and I knew she was already gone." Then Mr.Telvin began to cry really heavy, actually he was sobbing. Was this an act? Or was he serious? " How did the guy look?" I asked. " Well I was not around for long but he was very tall with big broad shoulders and his threats seem to cut you because of his voice. His hair was dark brown." I thought to myself that this could be the man that killed my mother too! "Mr.Telvin could you please never tell anyone we were here and you should call the cops right away." I said sipping my lemonade. "I plan too."he said. "I will put out a missing persons report first thing in the morning but you girls need to leave for your safety."
"Right." I said.

I got up and pulled Piper up along with me, we had walked out the front door and back to the car, when we got in Piper gasped for air as if she had been holding her breath the whole time. " Piper it's okay, really it seems like everything is becoming clear."
"I think we should have never came out here, what if Mr.Telvin was lying and we were his next victims."
Piper was right, Mr.Telvin could have been the killer, but something in me was telling me that he was telling the truth about Mrs.Telvin being killed by someone else. Yet, he did seem so effortless about it. By the time I had got home, I looked at the time and it was almost 6 a.m. Oh no, dad could be awake. I walked in through the front door quietly and walked upstairs. I snuck a peek into my dad's room and saw that he was still sleep. I sighed and walked into my room and jumped into my bed. I snuggled my pillows and tried to forget Mrs.Telvin's body for awhile so I can get some rest.

I slept for so long my dad had woke me up. "It's 2:00 in the afternoon and I never seen you actually get some sleep for once, I got worried." Dad said. I chuckled "I feel well rested though." I smiled. I jumped up and hugged my dad for awhile. "Oh I forgot to tell you that your uncle on your mother's side is coming to visit today, your Uncle Ryder. He should be here around 4:00 p.m." "Okay" I said. I went downstairs with my laptop and went to go make grilled cheese. After I ate I played games online until 4:00 came. "I will be back around 7, your uncle should be here soon he felt he should get to know you and I'm going with Mariann out to dinner, see you tonight."
"Dad wait, is it true that you and Mariann were having an affair before Mom passed?"
"No Sweetie, no no no who could have told you that?"
"Well Mariann was very rude about Mom and said she accused you guys."
Dad sighed. "Mariann is very crazy but none of that is true, I never cheated on Amanda and Mariann and I are only friends, see you tonight we will talk then, bye."
I waved as he walked out the door.

Around 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door that startled me. I opened the door to a brown haired man who had a big smile. " You must be Ryan, the little Amanda."
"Yes it's Ryan, hello."
"Well it's finally nice to see you out of diapers, you seriously have grown and you look just like your mother."
His voice was deep and still as if it was a calm ocean wave. " Hi Uncle Ryder, how are things?" I asked. He looked almost childish and you can tell her must have been younger than my mother. When he spoke I felt kinda weird. We sat down together at the table and it began to rain. "Would you like some coffee maybe?" I asked. "Oh yes coffee is fine." He said sounding nervous. I put the coffee maker on and made my way back the table. Uncle Ryder was gone.

Was he upstairs? It's not good to snoop, but he was actually in the living room looking at pictures we had put of Mom. "You know, you might not have heard about me because I didn't go to the funeral and everyone pretty much deserted me after." He said with some anger that set off an alarm in my head. " You know I actually did work with you mom with the bank I was apart of this successful charity group but, I left after a lot of accusations of us stealing money." I looked at him surprisingly, he was one of the guys who was in that group my dad told me about! Maybe he had some information I could use. " Did your dad tell you I would be staying here a few days? I hope you don't mind." He said breaking me out of my thoughts. "No I don't mind at all." I smiled. "Actually I would like to know if it was true that your charity group was smuggling money out for yourselves?"
He looked at me with a red angry face but his voice still remained calm. "No, that's not true."
" I think Mom believed that you guys were stealing wasn't she the one with the accusations?" I asked.
" Yes, my own sister believed that our investment was a scam. And it made my men very angry." His men? "Did you know who it made angry the most?" I asked another question. He looked at me with an angry face with soft eyes and his voice shaking. "Yes, Me."

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