The First Warning

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After lying in bed for so long without any sleep, I had to get up, I had to do something. I went downstairs my dad was ready to leave for work. As he walked out the door he said " Ryan check the mail I haven't checked in days." I nodded. I grabbed the mail key off the hook and check the mail, all bills except... Something for me? I read:

What? Was someone in the old house last night? Were they watching me? Did they kill my mom? I couldn't go to Dad because he would know I snuck out I knew I instantly had to go to Piper's fast! As I started to run across the street a fast Black SUV came zooming almost striking me and made me dizzy. The car stopped and rolled down the tinted window by an inch then a deep strong voice said " you've been warned." Then drove off! Oh no, I fell in the middle of the street. Who was that? Mom's killer I thought! I got back up to my feet and made my way to Piper's house. I knocked on her door for awhile and said good morning to her mom as I brushed past and went upstairs. Piper was up on her laptop listening to music. " Piper! We have a problem a serious problem, can we go for a walk?" I said. Piper got up and slipped on her flip flops as we made our way downstairs and out the door. " What's up?" She said looking in curiosity. "This." I handed her the note and watch Piper's eyes grow big. " What does this mean? Like, someone else was there?"
" I don't know Piper, but I'm seriously freaked out now, I'm being threatened and for all we know the killer could have wrote that, it could be anyone and I almost got hit by this SUV and a deep voice yelled out "you've been warned!" And I just don't understand how did someone know we... My voice trailed off as I tried to catch my breath. " Okay we need to calm down and sit down, let's go grab a coffee and the Cafe, okay?"

I nodded as we walked down a few blocks near the park and reached the Cafe. We each got two iced coffees and sat down. Piper seemed as dazed as I was. The waiter came and broke the silence. " Anything else I could bring you girls?" He asked. His voice was deep and his eyes were a beautiful blue. "No thanks." Piper said then turned to me as he walked away. " So this means we have to stop with this whole investigation, Ryan." " Piper, you know this means I am getting somewhere meaning that maybe I can solve this!"
" Solve it and get killed."
I got angry and saw Piper's face turn soft. "Sorry." She said softly.
"Can you take me back to the house? I'm not going inside I just need to talk to the neighbor next door please."
"Fine let's go."

Ms.Telvin is a lot older ever since the incident but she was the one who called the cops maybe she can tell me something. About twenty minutes later, we pull up to the house next to my old house. The house was a nice sky blue with a white door and a white gate. "I think I should go in alone this time Pipe, I'll be right back okay?" She nodded. I walked up the ash gray steps and knocked on the door. An old soft voice answered the door. "Yes?" It was Ms.Telvin. She must not have noticed me because she seemed confused and barely opened the door. " Hi, I used to live next door 11 years back when the murder happened."
Oh! My yes I remember, but is there something you need?" She asked.
"I just have a few questions about it, may I come in?"
She opened the door and motioned me inside then looked around outside shut the door tight and locked it.
" Okay, what are your questions?" She asked.
"Well, you were the one that called the cops because you heard screaming, but did you happen to see anyone or- "
" The police already asked me these questions, Ryan."
"I already answered these questions 11 years ago, you really shouldn't be here I think you should go."
A man walked out from the back almost as old as Ms.Telvin.
"I'm about to go fishing if you do not mind." He said. "Oh, I did not realize we had company how are you, Miss?" His voice deep and cold. My skin crawled. " She was just visiting but she's going now." Ms.Telvin said as she began to walk to the front door and open it. Without thinking or saying anything I just walked out as Ms.Telvin practically slammed the door. When I reached the car Piper was blasting music. I explained to her what had happened. "Wow, pretty weird old people huh? Piper said. She started the car as we made our way back home.

It was still around lunchtime but I had asked her to drop me back home. When we got back home my front door looked as if it was tampered with. I carefully walked in and scoped out the house for any intruders. I been through this before and I would not let it happen again. There was nobody here so I made sure the door was locked and decided to take a nap on the couch.

I had the nightmare again. My mom screaming, the knife cutting, the blood spewing, the dark voice cutting into her grunting "Die die die!" But, why? Why would you want my mommy to die? I heard her scream no and then I woke up. I decided to recap back to what had happened today. I didn't tell Ms.Telvin my name yet she knew. My dad came home and he looked so exhausted. He had Chinese food in a bag and put it on the table "Help yourself honey." He mumbled as he stomped up the stairs and went into his room. I ate dinner and then opened my fortune cookie before I went upstairs to my room. I read: When you close your eyes, the answers become more clear."

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