Amanda's POV (How She Died)

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The flashback.

"Ryder! I know you are stealing money I knew it from the star that was all you wanted when you got this job." I said.
"If you knew that's all I wanted then why did you get me that job in the first place!" Ryder said.
"Oh, don't talk to me that way I'm still the oldest around here! When I report you you'll only regret it!"
"Only thing you need to report is that husband of yours with Mariann!" He stormed off. I never seen him so angry. Mariann and Ryder were good friends, lovers at once I believed because she always told him everything. I think she told him about her and my husband. Everyone seems to know my husband is cheating on me, but I hold it in because of the same of my daughter, Ryan. She shouldn't have to live with that on her chest, she's only six!

I got in my car and drove to my husband Daniel's job. "Where is she?" I asked him. "Who?" He said. " you are acting dumb, where is Mariann? Where?"

"Listen Amanda we will discuss this at home, but you can't just come barging and creating a scene at my job!"
I didn't care about his job I just wanted to know what was going on with my husband. Everyone seems to know what's going on with my husband except me and I have had enough. " No, we will not discuss this at home! I know you are a cheater there is no reason for you to come back!"

" Amanda I am no leaving you and Ryan alone! Just go! Go home!" He yelled. His emotions were changing fast like his disorder was getting worse. I ran out. I drove around for a couple of hours. Ryan was home with the babysitter so I needed to get back home.

When I opened the door, Ryan came running towards me." Mommy!" She yelled. Her coming to me always put me in a better mood it was like we were connected because she felt my forehead and I said I was tired. "Mommy you should go sleep."
"No sweetie, I can't sleep just yet im starving and I know you are too!" I said tickling her tummy. Tonight I was in no mood to cook so I just quickly made hotdogs. "Come on Ryan, you need to get in the tub now before it gets too late and you'll be really cold." I said. She always ends up cold when she gets out but I used it as an excuse to get her to hurry in so I can help her bathe. Sometimes I'd sit in there with her so she won't give me " How come I'm the only one who has to bathe" look. Ryan is my heart. No matter what I will always look out for her.

We sat in the tub so I could wash her hair. " Mommy, where's daddy?" She asked. I sighed " He'll be working late tonight."
" Does daddy have to work late all the time?"
"Let's hope not sweetie." I smiled.

I only smiled because I felt like I needed to smile for her. She meant the world to me and that's all I wanted to give her. We were in there for a good hour and I was so spaced out. "Can we get out now?" She said. I laughed "yes let's go dry ourselves off."
When we dried ourselves off I got her in her pajamas and we laid down in the bed together. She fell asleep and no time, so did I.

Crash! I woke up. What was that? I looked over at the time, it was 2:47 a.m. I could hear someone downstairs. Someone whispering? I grew panic. Ryan had woken up. "Mommy what's that?" She whispered. I shushed her and picked her up as we got out of bed. I need to hide Ryan before someone comes in here. Someone is in the house and I don't want anything to harm her. I opened the closet. "Mommy?" She said. " Whatever you see, whatever you hear, do not scream."

I shut the closet door, I think.I went to go and shut the door so I can call 911 but they busted through the door. "Get out! Get out!" He grabbed at me. " Get over here!" He grabbed my arm. I recognize that voice anymore. It was Ryder, my own brother. My brother! He pulled out a large knife. "No please don't, I won't tell anyone I won't say anything!"

It was too late. "Shut up just shut up!" He yelled. He cut me. He broke my skin and I bled. He was slicing me up. Slit slit slit! He slit at my chest and stomach. He was cutting off all my limbs as if I was nothing. I never saw so much blood. My white fluffy carpet was turning red. He was cutting so deep and fast my blood was spewing, even on the walls. I knew I was gone. I was done for. He at last had cut my throat. And that was the end of me. I gasped for last few breaths as my brother had flee. I was dying, and the last face I saw was Ryan climbing over on me. I wish she did not have to see me like this. I'm sorry Ryan. I'm dead.

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