Another Murder?

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"Dad!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs. I busted into his room and saw my dad lying there. "Oh no! Dad! Dad!" I called 911 and waited for the ambulance to arrived. I ran downstairs and waited outside as an ambulance pulled up. They put my father on the gurney and rushed him into the hospital. "Possible alcohol intoxication." I heard the lady said as she was getting into the ambulance. I rode in the ambulance holding my father's hand. "This could have been a heart attack." The man said. A heart attack, but how? How could this happen. I already lost Mom , I don't want to lose dad too please don't die. "Hold on, Dad." I whispered. We got to the hospital fast and inside looked so dark and gloomy. I had to wait out in the lobby so I started to call Piper and tell her what had happened to my dad and she told me she was on her way. When Piper arrived we sat in silence for hours. I checked the time it was after 3:00 a.m. , every time I closed my eyes I saw my mother die over and over again. "Ryan, maybe we should go back to my place and try to get some sleep." She said stretching. "No, I'm not leaving my dad here alone, if you want you can leave but I need to be here." I replied. She turned and stayed seated as she cocked her head back to rest. I began to fall asleep but every time I did my mom's screaming would wake me back up. I stayed up all night at the hospital and Piper was fast asleep. Around 9:00 a.m. , a doctor walked up to us. He was short and stumpy and bald. He wore circle glasses at the tip of his nose and had a clipboard."For Daniel Mekille?" He asked. "Yes that's me."
"Ah yes, your father?" I nodded. " Well I'm Dr.Makeli and he is going to be fine we plan to keep him overnight, he had alcohol in his system while taking Anticonvulsants to help him with his bipolar behavior. But, we were able to clear his system, he will be fine."
"T-thank you." I said.
"Your welcome, you can go see him now he is awake, I'll walk you to his room."
I watched the doctor walk down the hall and direct me to my dad's room. Why do all the bad things keep happening to me? I almost lost my dad today. I didn't even know my dad was bipolar, and taking pills for it? My dad never showed bipolar behavior around me, and he never took pills around me so how could dad be bipolar?

We walked into a small hospital room. The doctor opened the door for me and then let himself out shutting the door behind him. I was upset, I felt like there were too many things hidden from me that I just didn't know. "Ryan, I know you are upset with me right now ." He said.
"Not exactly, I'm more worried than ever! I never knew you were bipolar and you nearly killed yourself, Dad."
"I know Ry, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry I knew we already had much to worry about with you."
"I'm fine Dad, I am I just want to know who would kill Mom? Who killed her! That's all that's been bothering me."
"Ryan stop that, you need to let that go and let the police handle it." Dad sounded aggravated with me.
"Dad, you didn't see her die I did I was the only one who saw and if I just think about it hard enough I might be able to identify who killed her."
"Stop worrying about Amanda, Ryan! She's dead just like a lot of people who's killers were never uncovered!" He yelled. He looked angry and his voice began to grow cold.

I walked out of the room and then I walked right out of the hospital passing Piper who caught up with me behind. I really was alone on this one. On finding my Mommy's killer and I wasn't going to let any threats stop me, this is for you, Mom. "How's your dad is everything okay?" Piper said. "Yes it's fine, can you please take me home?" I said. "Sure."

After Piper stopped in front of my house I remembered back to Mrs.Telvin and how rude she was, but how suspicious she was."Pipe, could you take me to that neighbor's house next to my old house again please?" I asked. "Fine, but gas doesn't grow on trees." Piper sighed. I remembered the money I've been holding onto from my last pay check and promised Piper I'd give her twenty dollars later although she would refuse to take it. I haven't been to work in so long. I worked at Marla's Bakery just a few blocks down from my house. I really needed a car, but Piper was already eighteen I still had a few more months until my birthday.

We pulled up in front of the blue house and I stepped out of the car. Walking up to the house made my stomach churn. I slowly walked up the ash gray steps again and then knocked. This time Mr.Telvin had opened the door. "Yes?" He said. " Hi, I'm Ryan I was here the other day I wanted to know if I could speak to Ms.Telvin?" I said.
"She's...... not here...."
"Well do you know when she will be back?"
"No I don't"
"Well maybe you can help me, do you remember the murder that happened next door eleven years ago."
" Listen it's not good to go poking your nose in business you ought not ask about, I have to go now goodbye." He slammed the door. What was wrong with the Telvins? I walked back to the car. " Listen Piper, I know you are tired of me but I need to come back here tonight want to come with?" "You know Ry I think you are really loosing it now and I think you need to stop."
"Fine, I'll go alone."
"No, I'll come with you, meet me outside 2:55 a.m."

Piper drove me home and I walked in the house. I saw they had taken my dad home early. "Ryan we need to talk, please sit down." I sat down. "Ryan I'm sorry that I haven't told you about my disorder but I did it to keep you safe but I think you need to let the murder of your mother go."
"Really, Dad it's no big deal but I'm tired now I would like to go to bed."
" Very well, make sure you eat and brush your teeth, goodnight hun."
I quickly ate and then brushed my teeth and then hopped into bed. It was only nine o'clock and the days seem to always go by way too fast. I started to drift to sleep but my nightmares have been haunting me more than ever lately and it was driving me insane. I had the worse bags under my eyes and I looked like my face would fall off. I put my strawberry blonde hair back into a ponytail and decided to put on more comfortable pajamas. I eventually fell asleep and decided to deal with the nightmare. Of all the horror, the blood, the screams, my own mother and it made me sob. I woke up and looked at the time, 2:56 a.m. I was just making it. I threw on shoes and swiftly ran downstairs and saw Piper growing impatient in the car. I quickly hopped in. "Sorry I actually got some sleep." I said. "It's fine but remember this is all your idea." We drove until we pulled up at the old house. We got out and walked towards the back and the smell was worse, way worse. I looked into the house and decided we could do this we had to be strong about it. We walked up the creaky stairs and went back into the room and it freaked me out. I was just dreaming about this unfortunately and it was almost a shame of how clear my memory of this place was in my nightmares, it was as if I was damaged. Then I saw something gleaming on the floor, it was a ring that looked like it could have been for a man, the killer? I walked towards the ring then noticed it was right in front of the closet I was in watching my mother died. I crept closer as a large horrific smell smacked me in the nose. I opened the closet door and in horror I screamed and there it was, Mrs.Telvin's body!

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