He Couldn't Have

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Someone had to be in the house. I tried to call my dad and he didn't answer, again."Nothing's missing here, Ryan." Uncle Ryder said. " I have business at the office to attend to today, so I'll be gone until late tonight."
"Okay I'll see you later, there's a key under the mat just in case I'm not here." I said. Uncle Ryder left and then I called Piper and told her to meet me at the park. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of shorts and a pink shirt. I threw back on my flats and went out the door locking it behind me. I walked down to the park looking for Piper and saw her sitting with Caden. "Hey." I said as I walked up and sat down. I looked at Piper and gave her this look that asked "Why is Caden here?" She looked down at her phone and I saw her typing and I knew she was texting me. "So, Caden I'm having a before-school party and you and Chase are invited if you want to come." Piper said. " That sounds great I love crashing the parties!" Caden said. He was such a jerk but I knew he had a sweet side to him. "Well, Ryan's going to be there so you can hang with her." Piper said. Now I knew what she was doing. I looked down at my phone for her text. I read: "don't worry strawberry blonde! I got this."
I replied: "Bad timing pipe."
"Yes I'll be there at the party."
" Great, I look forward to spending time with you." He said shaking my hand in a goofy way. " I have to go, my mom called me home, bye guys." Piper said as she got up and made her way outside the park. Piper's mom never called her home a day in her life and I knew she left because she wanted me and Caden to be alone."Want to walk around the park?" He asked. I nodded and we got up circling the park. Last time I walked around this park I got kidnapped and dangled by a river. I feel like that guy was my mom's killer. His voice sounded as deep and cold with threats that cut you when he spoke. He sounded so evil it was as if being around him could just kill you. I feel like I've been off track trying to bring my mom's killer to justice. I feel like I could be doing something right now to try to figure out where this guy is, if he's attacking me he must be around.

"Are you okay Ryan? You haven't said anything in awhile, you aren't yourself." He said. He must not have known because I'm usually not one to talk. "I'm fine Caden just feeling a little sick, can we go back to my house?" I asked. "Yes of course." He said.

We made our way back to my house. Uncle Ryder's car wasn't out front yet so I assumed he wasn't there. I turned on the television and me and him sat together to watch. "Do you like the show?" I asked him. He nodded and put his arm around me. I was so sleepy I started to drift to sleep on Caden's shoulder until I noticed Dad has been gone since last night. "Excuse me, Caden I need to call my dad." I said. I got up and called my dad 3 times. Voicemail. What was going on?

I went back to Caden who could tell I was worried. " Are you okay Ryan?" He asked. I've been hearing that question so much lately. "No, not exactly I can't find my dad at all." I said." He was supposed to come home yesterday night and he's still not back and there's been a lot going on lately."
"Sit down and talk to me." He said.
I never heard Caden so serious, so i tools seat and told him everything that I could. Just as I finished, Uncle Ryder walked in and did not look happy. "Hello?" he said. I quickly stood up to introduce Caden and Ryder. "Uncle Ryder this is Caden, Caden this is my Uncle Ryder." I said. "It's nice to meet you, sir." Caden said with his hand out. Uncle Ryder shook his hand."Well I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I'll be in my room." He said as he walked passed and shut his door."Maybe, I should leave." Caden said. I walked him to the door."I will text you." He smiled.

Uncle Ryder came out of his room. "You have a boyfriend?" He asked. "No, he's one of my classmates from last year." I said. "Hmm, I'm going to go pick up dinner I will be back in an hour, Chinese is fine right?" I nodded. I felt something really odd about Uncle Ryder. I felt like he knew more about Mom's death and wasn't going to tell me anything.

Since Uncle Ryder left I thought maybe I could find something in his room, whenever he was in there he shut the door.I knew it was wrong to snoop, but the curiosity was killing me. I peeked into the room where he had it so neat and tidy. It looked as if nobody had been in here. He made himself comfortable because he had unpacked everything and turned it into his own room which was okay. I opened the briefcase on the dresser. He didn't have any papers, just empty folders and pens. Odd. How could you work at an office without a truckload of papers? I opened the top drawer to a jacket and moved it. He had a gun under his jacket.

Uncle Ryder brought a gun with him. A gun. I was in shock. I put everything back the way I found it and left the room. I went upstairs and called dad. It was no use voicemail. I heard the front door."I'm back I brought chinese." I started to cry. I was so afraid of Uncle Ryder now. I stormed downstairs."My dad is not answering."
"Oh, maybe his phone died and he's having so much fun." He said. That's stupid. Uncle Ryder is still a stranger I still know nothing about him. My dad would not leave me with a stranger. "Is something wrong?" He said. "Something must be, he just would not leave, I'm going to go try to find him I'll be back later." I said.
"I can't let you do that, Ryan." He said.

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