Second Chance Ch. 13

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"But I'm a male." "I know! But I still think you're pretty!!" "Okay then." The exchange made Killua recoil in embarrassment from the awkwardness. Then he realized something, "If you're a boy, why are you wearing women's clothing?" Kiyotaka briefly looked down at himself, "I didn't have a choice, someone else picked them out for me. It was also the only size that fit from the store closest to us and I was in desperate need of clothing since mine were a tattered mess." "Did you get into a fight!?" Gon asked excitedly, the other two also gleaming with curiosity. "Oh, no. I fell through several layers of thick tree branches." "Well why'd you do that? Why go so high up in the first place?" Killua asked. "I don't know. I was unconscious, and awoke in the middle of falling." The three others almost fell over. How is this guy so nonchalant about something like that!?!

While they were dazed thinking about that, they hadn't noticed until it was too late, Kiyotaka disappeared into his nen and left them. No longer feeling like talking. He decided to make his way back to the couch and admire the view of the sunrise. He'd seen them so many times since his escape, but he treasured each one like a rare gemstone. No two sunrises we're the same, no matter how much they looked a like. It was something Kiyotaka found himself admiring about them. He sat himself down on the couch. He sat for about a minute before deciding he wasn't comfortable. He fought it for a minute, but his cat instincts took over. He slowly allowed himself to lay across Hisoka's lap, his arms and cheek resting on the arm or the couch next to Hisoka. He found himself content with the man, when he wasn't awake, that is.

When Hisoka woke up, he felt his lap was heavier then he remembered with just Kiyo's head on his lap. That was because he discovered Kiyo curled up on him and the couch arm just like a cat would be. His peaceful sleeping face bathed in the light of the rising sun.

Not yet ready to get up, Hisoka remained where he was and began to play with the brown locks in front of him. When he got to a spot behind the boys ear, he heard purring being emitted from the boys sleeping form. Not soon after his ears and tail came out. It still surprised Hisoka. He'd thought they were part of his nen ability because of how they could come and go, but this was a subconscious reaction to being pet. He was deeply intrigued by that fact. Was the boy human? Or something else?

His thoughts were cut short when Kiyotaka began to stir. He was very clearly not even half awake or aware of his surroundings when he began to stretch and let out a quiet yawn before turning over cuddling back into Hisoka. This time his was pressed into Hisoka's side, being shielded from the unwanted light. Hisoka only chuckled as he continued to watch the sunrise.

Illumi was surprised by the sight. He'd wanted to check up on Hisoka because he was curious about is new companion. He didn't expect to find them cuddled up on the couch, or to see the cat like features currently attached to the boy. Standing behind Hisoka and slightly of to the side, looking over his shoulder he asked, "are those real?" Hisoka ruffled the hair behind right behind the boys ears, causing him to purr louder for a few seconds before mellowing out. "They feel real to me. They also cause that, which means there's nerves attached." "Odd" "very" "Is that why you took a liking to him?" "It's one of two things that sparked my interest in him, yes" "What is the other?" "Not telling~!" Hisoka said playfully, but Illumi knew that despite the playfulness, he really wasn't going to get an answer. Deciding that he'd been loitering near Hisoka for to long, he took his leave. Most likely to check on Killua.

When Kiyotaka finally opened his eyes, he found his view was obstructed, and was able to feel the hand on his head, and rumble in his throat, which he stopped immediately. He sat up and met Hisoka's eyes, they were calmer then he expected them to be. "What time is it?" "It's almost 9" "how long have you been up?" "I woke up just in time to see the sun rise!" Hisoka spoke cheerily. "Hm" Kiyotaka looked around a minute before swatting Hisoka's hand of his head and standing up. Hisoka expected him to just walk off, but the boy waited, so he got up and followed. "We might not be able to stick together this next round." Hisoka brought up. "I figured." "If that's the case, get back to me as quickly as you can." "Sure"

When everyone was on top of the tower needed to get through to move on, people started disappearing left and right. Kiyotaka was one of the first people to disappear. He'd fallen through a trap door, and was waiting on the four other people needed to continue down the 'selected' path. He waited almost ten whole minutes before the two boys he met the night before dropped in. They were followed by two others, and they all clearly knew each other. It took them a minute to realize he was there, even though he wasn't using nen. Kurapika was the first to notice him. "Who are you?" "Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" at hearing the familiar voice and name, the two 12 year olds turned around and jumped excitedly at him. "I'm so glad your the fifth member!!" Gon said ecstatically. "Me too!" Killua said in agreement. "I guess I'm glad to be here too" Kiyotaka said, a little less ecstatically then the other two. Leorio and Kurapika were confused on when they had gotten to know each other. "Since when were you so buddy buddy!!"

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