Minor Conflict Ch. 18

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Hisoka suddenly had a bright aura around him as he chuckled to himself. This made Kiyotaka instinctively walk a few more paces behind him. He wasn't scared of Hisoka, but he certainly doesn't find moments where Hisoka is like that pleasant. He was still curious as to what Hisoka wanted back there. It was his business, after all, he was the one laid flat on his back. The more he thought about it, the more he wasted to ask, so he did. "What were you trying to accomplish back there? After I told you to let go I mean." They walked in silence for a minute before Hisoka chuckled "Curiosity really does kill the cat!" That's all Kiyotaka got from him.

This was probably the first time Kiyotaka couldn't figure out the meaning behind what someone said. He was, after all, the best. And while he knew that was true in his world, in the white room, he wasn't 100% sure about it anymore. It was no longer and absolute. Mentally he was most definitely superior, but physically, he wasn't to sure. That caused an exhilarating notion. If he was in the same position as he was with Hisoka, but his attacker was overwhelmingly stronger then him, he might truly lose! Maybe Hisoka would even find a way to absolutely beat him. Kiyotaka knew he wasn't the only one trying to decipher their companion. He had to admit though, the way Hisoka went about it was weird. And he couldn't quite explain it since nobody had every looked at him like that before. It was simultaneously comforting and down right terrifying. Even though he didn't let it affect him, the slight race in his heart beat only confirmed his feelings of terror. 'That's enough now, we're almost to the beach' Kiyotaka thought, bringing himself out of his thoughts.

When he did he noticed two things. 1. Hisoka's arm was around his waist keeping their bodies close as they walked. 2. They were currently being followed by something akin to a monkey. He chose to focus on number 2 first. Kiyotaka used the nen method he learned from Hisoka and began making a rubber band like ball, a little bigger then a quarter. He'd concealed his nen and brought the ball between his fingers, aiming over his shoulder and firing it. His target fell out to the trees a bit disoriented. The man was bald but well built. Kiyotaka also noted that he had strange looking eyebrows. He heard Hisoka chuckle with pride at what he had just done. It caused his chest to rumble with a purr he managed to quiet by keeping his mouth shut. He'd hoped Hisoka couldn't hear it, but knew his luck wasn't so good when he felt the hand on his waist tighten slightly, and a smile widen on Hisoka's face.

Speaking of which, that was the next problem he had to address. Kiyotaka quickly got himself out of Hisoka's hold. Of course with the timing, Hisoka thought it was because he was embarrassed, which he was not. "Aww come on kitten~ no need to be embarrassed!" He teased. Kiyotaka only ignored him and continued walking. Hisoka taking the hint, didn't continue his teasing but instead walked up beside him and placed his hand right back where it was. A loud sigh was heard from Kiyotaka's mouth. "There is a reason I moved away the first time." He said, not having to explain what he meant because Hisoka knew exactly what he was doing. "Do you really think I'm the type to care?~ Hmm Kiyo~" Kiyotaka didn't care to respond only moving away once more and sent a glare Hisoka's way, making sure to stay either a few paces in front or behind him until they got to the boat.

It wasn't surprising when Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, and Killua came out of the forest at the last second again. Honestly Kiyotaka might actually have been surprised if they had been any earlier. But he also wished they hadn't come out at all. Especially that Gon. Now the boy was so obviously watching his every move trying to find the answer to the question he'd asked and not gotten a direct answer to. Then Killua was looking at him because he was curious as to why Gon was so fixated on him.

As soon as they were off the island and on their way to the next phase, Kiyotaka booked it. He went completely untraceable like when he snuck in on the boys and the old man's game. Hisoka was throughly surprised when he couldn't even sense him using nen. Noticing the slight distress on Hisoka's face brought Kiyotaka more joy then he thought it would. He enjoyed it to its full extent before revealing himself to Hisoka, finding a comfortable spot on his shoulders before disappearing again from Hisoka's sight. He was glad though because he could still feel the weight of Kiyotaka on his shoulders. They were waiting for the mandatory stuff to be over before retreating to one of the many provided private rooms.

As soon as the door was shut and locked, Hisoka reached up, grabbed Kiyotaka, and brought him off his shoulders into a princess carry. This was one of the many reasons Kiyotaka didn't like Hisoka, there were times he couldn't read him fast enough or at all. This was one of those times. He couldn't understand why Hisoka had him held so tightly right now, and since he didn't understand it, he couldn't have predicted it, he was currently stuck. This is the first time he was truly stuck, and not just allowing himself to be held. It was very off putting. He didn't quite know how he should react, so he didn't. He just looked up at Hisoka. "Put me down." "No." "Why?" "What was that" "what was what?" Kiyotaka realized he must have been talking about the ability he used. "Seems you get what I'm talking about." Kiyotaka nodded and squirmed a bit trying to get loose, but Hisoka held on tighter and just stared. Not just in his eyes, but all over. Kiyotaka couldn't understand what was happening. Finally Hisoka spoke, "so how did you do it?" "I don't know" "try again" "I really don't, it was instinct and feeling, I'm not able to put it into words" Hisoka looked on skeptically. That's when his face softened, and his grip loosened. It eased the nervousness Kiyotaka had been feeling and he stopped struggling. All he thought was 'what the hell was that?!'

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