Bath Time Ch. 19

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As soon as the door was shut and locked, Hisoka reached up, grabbed Kiyotaka, and brought him off his shoulders into a princess carry. This was one of the many reasons Kiyotaka didn't like Hisoka, there were times he couldn't read him fast enough or at all. This was one of those times. He couldn't understand why Hisoka had him held so tightly right now, and since he didn't understand it, he couldn't have predicted it, he was currently stuck. This is the first time he was truly stuck, and not just allowing himself to be held. It was very off putting. He didn't quite know how he should react, so he didn't. He just looked up at Hisoka. "Put me down." "No." "Why?" "What was that" "what was what?" Kiyotaka realized he must have been talking about the ability he used. "Seems you get what I'm talking about." Kiyotaka nodded and squirmed a bit trying to get loose, but Hisoka held on tighter and just stared. Not just in his eyes, but all over. Kiyotaka couldn't understand what was happening. Finally Hisoka spoke, "so how did you do it?" "I don't know" "try again" "I really don't, it was instinct and feeling, I'm not able to put it into words" Hisoka looked on skeptically. That's when his face softened, and his grip loosened. It eased the nervousness Kiyotaka had been feeling and he stopped struggling. All he thought was 'what the hell was that?!'

Despite not liking what had just occurred Kiyotaka didn't mind being held this way when he knew he could get out whenever he wanted. He just stayed still in silence as Hisoka seemed to be thinking about something. Suddenly Hisoka moved to the couch and laid down, inclining against the arm of the couch with Kiyotaka in his lap and on his chest. "Can I see your ears?" He asked. Kiyotaka found the request odd as he'd never asked that before but complied. He didn't think Hisoka would try and pull anything right now, he seem complacent for the time being. One he brought them out, he felt a big hand on his head. It was soothing and like a massage. This time when he purred he didn't do anything, like try to muffle. He felt oddly at peace and even found himself leaning into the touch.

Hisoka was looking down at the person in his arms, smiling a rare, soft, genuine smile. He felt just as content as the boy looked. He felt bad about how hard he gripped Kiyotaka, and was worried it would lead to strife and conflict, possibly even Kiyotaka leaving him, so he was just glad to have him in his arms. They both fell asleep like that, Kiyotaka moving closer to the warmth Hisoka provided, and Hisoka wrapping his arms around the small frame.

They were slowly finding home and comfort in each other. Both teaching the other things about themselves even they didn't know. Experiencing emotions they didn't know they were capable of.

Then morning came and Kiyotaka, while acknowledging the comfort he had experienced, went back to being cold and aloof. Hisoka was greatly disappointed by this. "C'mon! You were so obedient last night~" "Don't say it like that." Kiyotaka said as he walked into the bathroom and started the tub faucet. Hisoka watched Kiyotaka turn it all the way scolding and walk away to let the bath fill up. He was concerned when the bath had been filled, the faucet turned off and no cold water having been added. Before he knew it Kiyotaka had stripped and slip in. He was worried but seeing Kiyotaka' slack of reaction he got curious and went over to feel the water. As soon as he felt the water he drew his hand back in alarm, it was beyond scolding hot!

Acting fast Hisoka practically ripped Kiyotaka out if the bath seeing how red his skin had turned as he wrapped a towel around the shorter boys waist. After calming, down Hisoka looked up at Kiyotaka's face still seeing no change. For some reason this upset him. With no hint of his usual self in his voice he asked, "Did you not feel how hot the water was? Did it not hurt!?" The worry seeped through his voice at the end. "No? I don't understand why you pulled me out." Hisoka looked on in disbelief. "Kiyo the water was beyond scolding and your skin is bright red- (his eyes landed on Kiyotaka's upper chest) and you've even blistered!" Kiyotaka looked down at the small splotch of blistered skin and shrugged. "It'll be gone in a few days like always. It's not a big deal." "You always take baths that hot!? You're hurting yourself" "but that's how I've always taken baths?" Hisoka couldn't hear anymore he was pissed hearing that. Instead he reached down and let the bath drain half the way before going back and forth between hot and cold water. When he was done he stood up, took the towel off Kiyotaka, picked him up under the arms, and put him back in the water. "This is a reasonable temperature for a bath, one that won't result in blisters." "Hmm. I guess this is more pleasant. Thank you." Hisoka rolled his eyes and went to shower quickly. Hisoka putting on his same outfit, but giving Kiyotaka one of the other outfits he'd gotten him.

 Hisoka putting on his same outfit, but giving Kiyotaka one of the other outfits he'd gotten him

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When they were done, Hisoka picked Kiyotaka up and walked out of the room. "Where are we going?" Kiyotaka asked curiously. He didn't get a response. He found this weird since it was usually him who didn't respond in situations like this. It was a short walk. Hisoka set Kiyotaka down on a white cot before moving to cabinet and grabbing a white box with a Red Cross on it. Hisoka set the box beside Kiyotaka on the bed and moved to his clothes. He undid the top and slid the hood of his head. "What are you doing?" "I'm taking care of this." Hisoka said, pointing at the blisters on his skin. "Why?" "Because it's not good to leave them." "Oh. Ok." Hisoka was in the middle of making sure to disinfect the blisters just in case when the door slammed open.

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